Animation Switchup

Box art for Animation Switchup For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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This is not a stance mod. It\'s basically a kata animation switch. It changes the three katas for the three single saber styles, plus the crouch lunge for the fast style, which the author now calls \"Force Impale.\" This particular change does exactly what you might expect - rather than the normal lunge, which always seemed kind of silly to me, the animation is changed to the jabby one. Not the first time this has been done, right? Force Push and Pull have also been changed. I\'m not sure which animation pull comes from, but I quite like it [b]much[/b] better than the default. Push makes use of the two-handed lightning animation, which does make for a rather interesting result.

The three new katas do indeed look neat - they take advantage of some of the lesser-seen animations in the game (in fact if you don\'t play SP or any of those strange server-side mods, you may have never seen these animations before). I found one possibly large problem, however. After some minor testing with many willing test subjects (read: stormtroopers) I discovered something alarming - the fast and medium katas don\'t actually make contact with their victims. I tried several times, from several angles and distances, but nada. While they look cool, the fact that they won\'t hit anything could be problematic. The strong kata doesn\'t seem to have any contact issues, but its slow speed does leave you vulnerable for a time. Then again, vulnerability is part of the trade off with a kata, I suppose.

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