BattleGroup42 Mod for Battlefield 1942

Box art for BattleGroup42 Mod for Battlefield 1942 For: Battlefield 1942
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[quote]BattleGroup42 Mod for Battlefield 1942

This is Alpha release 0.20 of BattleGroup42 (and replaces
BG-Teamwork 0.15).

This mod has three aims, in order of priority:

1) Gameplay
2) Teamwork
3) Historical accuracy

This release concentrates on the BF1942 maps up until
Kursk in 1943 and adds the correct vehicles to each map.
For the Germans these include the German Panzer II, Panzer III,
Bison one-man artillery and Hanomag Flak half-track. For
the British these include the Crusader, Matilda and Stuart
tanks. For the Russians these include the KV1 heavy tank
and a corrected T34-76.

The mod introduces appropriate vehicles as the war progresses
and should ideally be played (at least once) in chronological

Desert (90% complete): Battleaxe, Tobruk, Gazala, Aberdeen, El Alamein
Russia (60% complete): Stalingrad, Kharkov, Kursk
Pacific (30% complete): Wake, Midway, Guadalcanal

Although this mod is believed to be the first to introduce
the correct historical vehicles for maps, it is not
primarily a realism mod - it will not introduce one-shot
kills or take away the engineer\'s wrench.

This version retains existing Teamwork features such as
strengthened infantry APCs with the ability to repair tanks
and other vehicles. It also adds the ability for the German
Panzer II light tank to spot for artillery.

There are two many changes in this release to list individually
- please visit our website and/or our forum at

Note this release includes an \'Easter Egg\' - the KV2 super-
heavy tank (one of which stopped a German division for 2 days).
Details of how to activate it will be released at a later date...

The next release will concentrate on late war maps and
introduce many new vehicles including the King Tiger,
Churchill, Panther, Jumbo, Brummbar, Jagdpanzer, SU-85
and others.

For further details visit our website:

This mod has been designed for Battlefield 1942 Version 1.31
but we believe it should work correctly with 1.4 when that
is released (if in doubt please visit our website or forum
to confirm).

If you have BG-Teamwork 0.15 installed, please uninstall via
Settings/Control Panel/Add-Remove Programs (you may also need
to delete the Battlefield 1942/Mods/BG-Teamwork folder as
DICE put a log file in there when it\'s run).

This mod is designed for all game modes (Conquest and
SinglePlayer-Coop, Campaign and Instant Battle)

To run, go into Custom Game, select BattleGroup42 0.2 and
click Activate.

Please give us feedback!

Panzaman, Vimeous, DaCrapper, Gimli, Seven
and the rest of the crew

All rights in BattleGroup42 reserved.
All rights and trademarks of other parties acknowledged.

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