Battlegroup42 v1.4 Client Files Part 3

Box art for Battlegroup42 v1.4 Client Files Part 3 For: Battlefield 1942
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Parts 1 and 2 must be installed before installing this file!

For help with installing Battlegroup42, visit their forums here.


Map Fixes/Changes:

- replaced Panzer IV H on 4406-pegasus_bridge with SdKfz 234/1

- removed PaK 40 from 4406-pegasus_bridge

- completely reworked version of 4301-velikye_luki (Push Mode)

- new pathmaps for 4107_dnieper_river, made by DACV

- new pathmaps for iwo_jima, made by DACV

- Coop added to 4111-operation_crusader by DACV

- reworked version of 4207-kokoda_path (Push Mode) done by Sarge Surfat

- Objective Mode version of 4207-intruder_mission, done by Bommel

- reworked version of GuadalCanal, done by Sarge Surfat

- reworked version of Liberation of Caen, done by Sarge Surfat

- reworked version of Market Garden, done by Sarge Surfat, new coop done by DACV

- reworked version of Omaha Beach, done by Sarge31FR and Sarge Surfat, new coop done by DACV

- changed 4311-raid_on_rabaul to 4201-rabaul (japanese attack)

- changed 4503-the_swamp to 4208-milne_bay (Australians vs. Japanese)

- changed Jagdpanther to Jagdtiger on 4503-paderborn and 4504-volkssturm

- reworked version 4504-berlin_streets, done by Sarge Surfat

- set correct LODDistances for all maps

Code Fixes/Changes:


- changed tank gun ammunition amounts to historical correct values

- replaced Bofors on japanese Carriers with Model 96 25mm aa guns

- re-coded Taiho carrier´s armament (removed rear small AA guns, coded turret for dual purpose use)

- added gunner reticules to tanks

- removed coax mg from StuG III G

- added Smoke Dischargers to King Tiger, Tiger and Panther

- re-added artillery spotting capability to armored cars and several light tanks


- added Bayonets again

- Mines are now invisible except of the detonator

- recoded smoke grenades to be more effective


- many new sounds (explosions, guns etc.)

- some new vehicle icons

- new tracer effects for machine guns

- dirt added to some vehicle textures


New content:


- Australians (from TLB mod)

- Dutch (uniform skins made by [LotW]-klick, helmet mesh and skin by smig. They look really great !)
soldier voices are from Edke. Thanks Eddy :-)

- French (from Bf 1918)


- Gloster Gladiator (kindly donated to us from "Norwegian Resistance" Mod. Thanks guys !)

- Bristol Type 152 Beaufort (from TLB mod)

- Grumman TBF Avenger

- P-80 Shooting Star

- new skins for Wildcat and LaGG-3 on 4205-operation_ironclad made by [LotW]-klick


- new Opel Blitz

- new Hanomag version armed with MG34

- Type 94 japanese truck (from TLB mod)

- 155mm M1 Long Tom field gun (taken from BG:V, converted and re-coded by Sarge31FR)

- Churchill Mk.VII from XWWII mod in exchange for BG stuff. Thanks guys :-)

- SdKfz 232 (Model and Skins made by Nimrod6, code by Sarge31FR)

- SdKfz 233 "Stummel" (Model and Skins made by Nimrod6, code by Nimrod6 and Sarge31FR)

- SdKfz 263 (Model and Skins made by Nimrod6, code by Sarge31FR)

- 152mm ML-20 Howitzer

- SdKfz 251/1 "Stuka zu Fuss" (Hanomag hull mesh kindly donated by FH mod, Wurfrahmen and Rocket made by Geronimo|Ger, Code by Sarge31FR)
(it´s completely bot supported, so watch out :-) )

- M3 Scout car

- Renault FT-17 (from Bf 1918)

- M1897 75mm gun (from Bf 1918)

- Ehrhardt E/V-4 (from Bf 1918)

- Type 1 47mm AT gun

- Ford T (from Bf 1918)

- french Bus (from Bf 1918)

- static Oerlikon

- new Nebelwerfer model and skin (done by Koricus from BGF mod, converted to BG42 by Sarge31FR)

- Boys Carrier (variant of existing Universal Carrier)

- Flower Class Corvette, model done by Cabrio

- Freighter, model done by Cabrio

- Type A japanese midget submarine (from TLB mod, skin by Sarge Surfat, code by Bommel

- SdKfz 186 Jagdtiger (done by Koricus from BGF mod, converted to BG42 by Sarge31FR)

- 8inch japanese coastal gun (model and skin done by Geronimo|Ger, code by Sarge31FR)

- new IS-2 model and skin (model made by Koricus, skins made by Tha Godfather and Geronimo|Ger)


- PPS-43 (from BGF, model made by Plutonius)

- TT-33 (from BGF)

- Nagant M1895 Revolver (from BGF, model made by Plutonius)

- Danuvia 39M (from BGF)

- Mannlicher M.95 (from BGF)

- Lee-Enfield Rifle No. 1 MK III (from TLB mod)

- Lee-Enfield Rifle No. 5 Mk I (from TLB mod)

- Webley Mk. IV (from TLB mod)

- Lewis MG (from Bf 1918)

- Luger P08 (from Bf 1918)

- Madsen LMG (from Norwegian Resistance Mod)

- Eihandgranate 39

- new G43

- new SVT-40

- new SG44

- new F-1 grenade (from BGF, model made by Plutonius)

- new M 24 Stielhandgranate

- new geballte Ladung

- new PPSh 41

- new Panzerfaust

- new tank mounted DT machinegun

- new MG34

- new FG42

- new Sten Mk2

- AN/M2 "Stinger"

- Maschinengewehr 30

- new RPG 43 (from BGF, model made by Plutonius)


- feldwagen_m1 *

- gulaschkanone_m1 *

- krankenwagen_m1 *

- pigeonry *

* those statics were done by Nimrod6. Thank you very much :-)

- bg42_factory3_m1, model & unwrap made by smig, textures and conversion to BG42 made by Geronimo|Ger

- bg42_Lighthouse2_m1

- lighthouse_m1

- bg42_Lenin_m1, model made by Snicker (BGF mod), conversion and skin done by Geronimo|Ger

- BG42_OldFactory1_m1

- BG42_OldFactory2_m1

- BG42_GermanPontoon1_m1, model and skin by Geronimo|Ger

- Fieseler Fi 103 (V1), , model and skin by Geronimo|Ger

- sewer system, model and skin done by smig

- japanese pillbox, model and skin done by smig

- set of trainstation statics, modeled by Koricus, skinned and finished by TerrorDuck

- set of workers houses (Type "Staaken"), model and skin by TerrorDuck

- set of barrack buildings, model and skin by TerrorDuck

and lots of more new statics


- tools/hull addons for many vehicles


- 4005-grebbeberg, made by Sarge Surfat (Coop made by DACV)

- 4106-halfaya_pass, made by Sarge Surfat (Push Mode, Coop made by DACV)

- 4202-tracking_the_wolves, a fictional map made by Bobton, reworked by Sarge Surfat and Bommel

- 4205-operation_ironclad, made by Sarge Surfat

- 4401-operation_shingle, made by =MAD= (two versions) (Coop made by DACV)

- 4409-nuenen, made by Lt. MoederTheresa (Coop made by DACV)

- 4412-noville, made by Lt. MoederTheresa (Push Mode)

- 4503-cologne_trainstation, based on =MAD=´s 4503-cologne. Changes made by Bommel

- 4504-crossing_the_spree, based on BF1942 Berlin, rework done by Bommel

- 4504-the_facility, made by Sarge Surfat

- 4701-antarctica, a fictional map by Sarge Surfat
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