BF2 Dedicated Server 1.50 - Linux (Build 1.5.3153)

Box art for BF2 Dedicated Server 1.50 - Linux (Build 1.5.3153) For: Battlefield 2
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BF2 Dedicated Server 1.50 - Linux (Build 1.5.3153-802.0)
Release notes: Battlefield 2 free dedicated Linux server
Battlefield 2 is a registered trademark of Digital Illusions CE AB.
(c) 2000-2005 Digital Illusions CE AB

Quick start

- Run the server installer and follow the instructions.

Please note that if you choose to install the server over an existing
installation the existing installation directory will be removed!

$ sh

- Modify mods/bf2/settings/serversettings.con to your taste.

$ cd /path/to/installation/bf2
$ vi mods/bf2/settings/serversettings.con

- Modify mods/bf2/settings/maplist.con to your taste.

$ cd /path/to/installation/bf2
$ vi mods/bf2/settings/serversettings.con

Please see the information below to understand the new map list format.

- Run the server from within the top-level directory by typing
./ [arguments] from a shell.

$ cd /path/to/installation/bf2
$ ./

- If you are starting the server from a remote connection you will need to
encapsulate it inside a "screen" session to let it stay behind when you log
out from the shell.

Example (to start the server):
$ cd /path/to/installation/bf2
$ screen ./
Now press Ctrl-A followed by Ctrl-D to detach the screen session, leaving it
running in the background. You can now log out without affecting the server.

Example (to reconnect to the server status monitor):
$ screen -r

Please see the man page for screen to learn more about what it can do.

More information

Welcome to the Battlefield 2 dedicated server. For patch-specific
information please refer to the generic read me file included with both the
Linux and win32 distributions.

For discussion with the developers and other users of this server please
subscribe to the bf1942 mailing list. To join the list, send a message to
and follow the instructions given to you in the

If you prefer to use a forum, there is one set up at the distribution site for
the open beta series at . You can report bugs
both in the forum and on the mailing list. Please don't send bug reports in
private mail, use the forum or the list instead.

See ReadmeServer.txt located in the same directory as this file for information
on what the BattleRecorder can do.
To get this to work on linux you will need to have Python installed on your
machine. You can find python at

The file case confusion problem solved

The BF2 Linux server will read lower-case filenames ONLY. All file names
encountered at runtime are lower-cased before a filesystem access is
attempted. The only exception is Python-scripts. You should therefore make sure
all files are lower-case when installing third-party modifications and maps.

To aid you with this there is an included python script called which recursively changes the case of files and directories from
the directory where it's run.

Usage: [--pretend] [--verbose]

You can simulate the actions of the script with these options:
$ ./ mods/yourMod --pretend

When you're certain it looks good run the conversion:
$ ./ mods/yourMod --verbose

Known issues

- You must set sv.allowNATNegotiation to 1 in order to broadcast all instances
of overlay servers.

Option summary

The following information was included in the Win32 Server Launcher and is
repeated here for your convenience.

sv.serverName This is the name your server will be listed by
in the Internet or LAN server browser.

sv.password If you set a password, players will need to
enter it before connecting to your server.

sv.internet Set this to report your server to the Internet
server browser list.

sv.maxConnectionType Players who exceed this limit will n0t be
allowed to connect to your server.

sv.allowFreeCam Allow players to use a free-roaming camera
while waiting to spawn. Players can activate
this camera using the JUMP key.

sv.allowExternalViews Use this to enable or disable the use of 3rd
person cameras in vehicles.

sv.allowNoseCam Use this to enable or disable the use of
nose-cam in certain vehicles (planes/helicopters).

sv.maxPlayers The maximum number of players allowed on your
server at once. This setting also determines
whether the 16, 32 or 64 player configuration
of maps is used.

sv.startDelay This is the amount of time in seconds players
are kept waiting for the game to start, once
the minimum number of players has been reached.

sv.endDelay This is the amount of time in seconds between
when a round ends and a new round begins.

sv.spawnTime This is the amount of time in seconds that
players will wait to spawn in the game again
after being killed.

sv.manDownTime This is the amount of time players will
wait to spawn in the game again after being
incapacitated and able to be revived by a medic.
We recommend that this is set to the same value
as sv.spawnTime.

sv.ticketRatio You can set the percentage of the normal number
of tickets you wish to use.

sv.roundsPerMap Set the number of rounds to complete before the
map automatically changes to the next on the list.

sv.timeLimit After this amount of time is reached, the round
will end.

sv.soldierFriendlyFire This is the percentage of direct damage that
soldiers will receive from other players on the
same team.

sv.vehicleFriendlyFire This is the percentage of direct damage that
vehicles will receive from other players on the
same team.

sv.soldierSplashFriendlyFire This is the percentage of splash damage that
soldiers will receive from other players on the
same team.

sv.vehicleSplashFriendlyFire This is the percentage of splash damage that
vehicles will receive from other players on the
same team.

sv.voteTime This is the amount of time that a poll such as a
kick vote or map vote stays open.

sv.minPlayersForVoting This is the minimum number of votes needed for a
poll to be successful.

sv.autoRecord Enable or disable automatic demo recording.

sv.demoDownloadURL If demo recording is enabled, this should be set
to the publicly accessible URL where the demo
files can be downloaded.

sv.autoDemoHook This is the application or script that is called
on to manage demo recordings at the end of rounds.

sv.adminScript Set the path to a custom admin script to run.

sv.hitIndicator This setting toggles whether or not players
receive crosshair feedback indicating they have
hit a target.

sv.numPlayersNeededToStart The minimum number of players needed for a round
to begin. Until this number of players have
joined, the server stays in a "pre-game" state
and neither team loses any tickets.

sv.tkPunishEnabled Enable the system through which players can
punish teamkillers in an attempt to kick
them from the server.

sv.tkNumPunishToKick When punishing is enabled, this sets the
number of punished teamkills required to be
kicked from the server.

sv.tkPunishByDefault This sets whether or not a player is
automatically punished for a teamkill.

sv.voipEnabled Enable the use of VOIP for squad communication.

sv.voipServerRemote Enable the use of an external BF2 VOIP Server,
thereby disabling the integrated VOIP server.

sv.voipServerRemoteIP When using an external VOIP server, this should
be set with it's IP address.

sv.voipServerPort The VOIP server uses this port to receive BF2
server data. When using an external VOIP server,
this should be set to the port associated with
the shared password from the VOIP server's

sv.voipBFClientPort This is the port the BF2 client uses for
communication with the voip server.

sv.voipBFServerPort The BF2 server uses this port to communicate
with the VOIP server.

sv.voipSharedPassword When using an external VOIP server, this
should be set to the password associated with
the VOIP Server port from the VOIP server's

sv.voipQuality Use this to adjust the quality of VOIP audio.
Raising the quality level will increase the
amount of bandwidth your server uses.
Recommended settings are 5 for LAN and 3 for

sv.gameSpyPort Your server sends information about settings
and status through this port. You only need
to change this if it is in conflict with
another port being used on your system.
For best results, this value should stay
between 29900 and 29950.

sv.allowNATNegotiation Allow Network Address Translation negotiation.
Try this if you use a router or gateway device
and are having problems hosting a server.

sv.autoBalanceTeam Enabling this will automatically move players
to the team with less players when they die,
and will prevent players from switching teams
if it would cause then to be too unbalanced.

sv.teamRatioPercent This ratio represents how autoBalanceTeam
considers the desired ratio between team 1
and team 2. The percent represents what
percent of team 1's current players is
considered 'even' for team 2.

sv.sponsorLogoURL Enter a URL to an image, and it will be
displayed in the server browser when the
server is highlighted. The image must be in
PNG or JPG format, and should have a 4:1 aspect
ratio for best results.

sv.svPunkBuster Enable PunkBuster automatic cheat protection.
Visit for more
information about PunkBuster.

sv.useGlobalRank This setting toggles whether or not players can
use and show their official rank they have
earned by playing on ranked servers.

sv.useGlobalUnlocks This setting toggles whether or not players can
use the unlocks they have earned by playing on
ranked servers.

sv.welcomeMessage This text is displayed on the map load screen
when connecting to the server.

sv.serverIP This setting allows you to set the network
interface IP address for your server.

sv.serverPort This setting allows you to customize the port
used for gameplay network traffic.

sv.votingEnabled Enable or disable voting.

sv.communityLogoURL Enter a URL to an image, and it will be
displayed in the loading screen when connecting
to the server. The image must be in PNG or JPG
format, and should have a 4:1 aspect ratio for
best results.

sv.demoQuality Set the quality of demo recording, if enabled,

Have fun with your Linux server!

Andreas Andersson

Licensing information

The Battlefield 2 server is linked with the GNU C and C++ libraries which
are under the LGPL license. By linking dynamically we ensure that you as a
user can use this software with other versions of these libraries.

A statically linked binary also linked with these libraries is supplied purely
for convenience should you not be able to run the dynamically linked binary.

The LGPL license text is included with this release and can be found on the
web at

Please note that the Battlefield 2 dedicated server itself is not covered
by the LGPL license.

Revision history

DICE Copyright

Copyright © 2002-2005 Digital Illusions CE AB.

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