Breaking 50 Paintball Mod

Box art for Breaking 50 Paintball Mod For: Call of Duty
Size: 180.82 MB
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[file="78747"][b]Click here[/file] for the exe version of this mod.[/b]

The latest version of the Breaking 50 Paintball Mod for CoD is finally here, and there are [u]tons[/u] of additions, fixes, and features for your enjoyment! ;) Read the full list of goodies below, and download this awesome paintball mod now!

All maps have in-game viewmap screens
Fixed issues with b50_closequarters that allowed players to escape the map
Added an anonymously submitted new map: b50_speedball_uap
Included in the docs folder, there is an file for use in making your own X_Ball maps
Tac5 has been fixed so it doesn't look like the player is throwing the gun when it's shot
b50_old_depot has a new door in the back of the depot sitting by the tracks for gameplay reasons
b50_outdoor has fixed terrain seperation issues, a new building, and all-new textures
b50_warehouse has all-new textures and fixed compatibility with the Control Point gametype
Control Point gametype has icons added to the HUD on right side to show who is in control
Added two new gametypes:
Strongarm (b50_sa): The goal is to extend your team's lead to a certain amount that changes depending on how many players are on the server
Team Death Swap (tds): This gametype is purely arcade; when you get tagged, you change teams
Four new maps for your enjoyment: b50_speedball_09 By Disgrace, b50_speedball_10, b50_speedball_1, and b50_speedball_12
Added MG42 mounted paintball gun that can be removed by CVar scr_allow_mg42_bipod (0=NO 1=YES)
Added all stock Call of Duty maps to a separate pk3 that can be downloaded as an add-on
Updated the Breaking 50 help file and all readmes and forum posts on installing the mod. Also updated the FAQ page
Added pods to the HUD to show how many balls you are carrying
If you get hit, your screen fills with paint and you announce that you've been hit
Tournament Skins done by akir for all speedball maps
As you sprint and the heartbeat starts, your screen will fog as goggles will when breathing hard-xXezekielXx
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