Bunny-s server mod

Box art for Bunny-s server mod For: Aliens vs Predator 2
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Basic Version (no logging facilities).

v2.0.9 new commands RC, joinFF, AdminPeep, TeamLock
fixed a bug with roulette freezing the server
added player joining message
added code for basic IP banning (this is very crude method but it works)
fixed message error (corrupt text) with help
fixed bug with weapon banning (if no weapons were banned in text.. it didnt work)
v2.0.8a hopefully put a stop to the server crash from outside the server (credit due to the writer of the crash tool for releasing the fix)
v2.0.8 can no longer select races that arent in the game (i.e. in evac and survivor modes)
tsearch users can no longer select alternate characters in-game(queen, exosuit etc) and will be locked in freefly for trying
NB: the client can select the characters.. but the server does not acknowledge (still a few bugs with messaging)
fixed ingame MOTDs (2nd msg was not getting deleted)
fixed bug with invalid characters (no longer allowes ascii 20 and ascii 127)
added ClassLockID and PWNID
added hardcore evac mode
SC pass filter in message and team message
v2.0.7 hmm, after mixed feelings about the NPCs allowed with switchID, ive decided to default them to off
if u liked this feature and would like to continue using it just add a file called allowNPC.txt to the root directory
nothing needs be in this file, its just easier for me to quick fix this way.
please note, that in games with only 2 races present, the other 2 races will be selectable, i will fix this at a later date
v2.0.6 moved forceverify higher than the glitch block
new commands addmsg and resetmsg
new command lockdown and unlock
v2.0.5 personal messages also show on the senders screen
fixed bug in setlevelid (couldnt set map with id=0)
if a player is named AFK when they join a map they are set into freefly
V2.0.4 fixed bug in shutup
fixed bug with setlevelID
added code to make renameid afk work
added filter for name hacks
V2.0.3 removed kill from forcefreeflyid command
afk now forces a player into freefly (also renameid afk has the same effect)
the player can exit freefly mode by typing newname
(nb. a player who is locked in freefly cannot do a afk command)
MOTD can now be up to 196 characters long
added shutup , ListMaps and SetLevelID
changed spawn protection from 15 seconds to 60 seconds (movement and drawing weapon cancel protection)
V2.0.2 added switchid and forcefreeflyid
V2.0.1 fixed a bug with logging to server app (team messages logged once per client)
fixed bug with id commands and no id (default 0)
fixed bug with mute not resetting on map load
added command to ban/unban weapons
added MOTD capability (currently limited to 49 characters per message)

as always, this is Win32 only.
doesnt look like there will ever be a linux mod.

'Dedicated Server Setup'

1.create a file called customrez.txt
2.add the following lines
3.move the rez file and the customrez file to the root directory
4.run the server and enjoy

'new commands'

command: addmsg
function: adds a msg to the MOTD (196 character limit, 10 messages max)

command: AdminPeep
function: allows the server controller to see all messages

command: blockname
function: blocks the command for all clients (toggles on/off)

command: classlockid
function: stops the player changing class (for those annoying people who switch to the winning team every 2 minutes)

command: kickid
function: works like kick, only using ids

command: forcefreeflyid
function: locks this character in freefly till SC releases them

command: hardcore
function: sets server too hardcore evac mode (see note)

command: help
function: lists all the new commands (whisper to SC) (helpful huh?)

command: joinFF
function: forces all new joiners into freefly, only admin can release them. automatically
function: switches off at map change or when no SC holder is present

command: listmaps
function: lists all maps loaded and there ID (however if u know the rotation this is irrelavant)

command: lockdown
function: locks the server with given password (pass is broadcast to all in the server)

command: mute
function: mutes (also blocks that client using command)

command: muteid
function: mutes player with id= (also blocks that client using command)

command: pwnid
function: combines forcefreeflyid and muteid into one command (for all you lazy admins)

command: RC
function: release server control

command: resetmsg
function: resets all the MOTD's set with addmsg

command: renameid
function: renames player with id to

command: roulette
function: kills a random player

command: setlevel
function: sets the next level (either on natural level change, or set mid game)

command: showid
function: Lists all names and id (whisper to SC)

command: shutup
function: mutes all players except SC

command: switchid
function: forces the player with id= to switch character (example:switchid 0 runner)

command: TeamLock
function: toggles class lock for everyone

command: terminate
function: kills the player

command: terminateid
function: kills the player with id

command: transfersc
function: transfers SC to a friend without them having to know SC password

command: unlock
function: unlocks the server and sets the pass to AVP2

command: wait
function: pauses round start (evac only, 60 second no SC timeout)

command: weaponban
function: enables/disables weapon in game (does not affect weaponban.txt)
info: valid human weapon names are shotgun,pulse,nade,flame,smart,sadar,mini,rail
info: valid pred weapon names are predpistol,spear,cannon,disc,net,bomb
note: some weapons will still flash and impact... however no damage will be done.

command: weaponhelp
function: lists the valid weapon names (whisper to SC)

command: wipeout
function: kills all players of that species (Alien/Corp/Marine/Pred)

'Behind the scenes'

blocked server crash from bad names (0x0A)
glitch blocked
team talk and whispers logged to serv app console
any player trying to change to an illegal name will be renamed "Im a TSEARCH nub", gets muted, and forced into freefly
any player trying to use 0x0A will be renamed "KICK ME, I HACK", gets muted, and forced into freefly
sending personal messages now shows on sender screen too
forceverify moved before the glitch block
any player trying to use tsearch or artmoney to change there class id will be forced into freefly
added a filter in message and team message to catch accidental SC pass errors (ie: ,serv>control password)

if you dont want the weapon ban feature, set all the weapon values to 0.
set each weapon you want to ban to 1
DO NOT change the structure of the file
(weapons can still be toggled inactive via weaponban command with or without a weaponban.txt file)

'Hardcore Evac'

well, i finally got round to it. the aim is for EVERYONE to evac. that means that every living member of the
evacing race has to be in the evac zone to start the count, if one member strays out of the zone the count will stop
Why i hear you ask... well, mainly to make it seem more realistic, but also to promote team play (as apposed
to the leg it and hide approach) this isnt an option for the feint hearted so use it wisely!

'IP banning'

there is basic code in this mod to run with my demo ip banning program.
this is only simplistic code which is merely proof of concept so dont expect much
if you want to run ip banning you will need to contact me to obtain a copy of dasniffa.exe
(it is a different version to the one available on my website)
hopefully with the release of version 3 i will have a fully integrated, ingame, ip banning solution.

'weapon hacks'

this mod does not block ammo or barrel hacks, if you are having problems with idiots fucking up your server
i recommend you download FK1099 from fuzzykilla's website (see below).

coming soon: AVP2DLL_Bunny-s_v3.REZ

big thanks to FuzzyKilla (aka [DMH]Keu'r-cte), weapon ban would have taken me a while
longer without your tips.
FKmod---> http://www.keurcte.darkmoonhunters.com/

big thanks to all at AX as well for letting me develop in there servers.

thanks to all the clans that have contacted me.

Please report any bugs to Bunny-s
[email protected]
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