Cade Skywalker

Box art for Cade Skywalker For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Well well, what do we have here! We’ve already had skins from Knights of the Old Republic, and even a Yuuzhan Vong model/skin. But now from the furthest reaches of the Star Wars Expanded Universe, Beaker Bongload brings us a Cade Skywalker skin!

Unless you have read some of the Star Wars Legacy comics by Dark Horse, you probably wont know who Cade Skywalker is. I don’t really want to spoil the story for anyone who hasn’t read these great comics, so I wont say too much. ;)

Basically the Legacy series is based about 130 years after the Star Wars Original Trilogy, and Cade Skywalker is a descendant of Luke Skywalker (the name is a bit of a give away I guess!).

This pack contains Cade plus team skins, and also a separate .pk3 with a special Sith Lords Clan version.

First off, having been reading the Legacy comics, I can say that this is a very accurate representation of Cade. Sometimes Star Wars themed re-skins don’t much resemble the character they are supposed to be, but this one is a fantastic skin that looks just like Cade, like he’s jumped straight out of the pages of the comic…and then into your computer screen! Also, the model the author has chosen to reskin is the perfect choice for this character. The team skins are also distinct in their own way, and not just versions of the same skin, with some blue or red bits. The hair, clothing and everything is different colours, which I thought was a very nice touch.

The clan skin, as far as I could see, doesn’t actually have any clan references on it at all, so really it would be suitable for general use too, for people who like the style of that skin. Think of it more as a sort of a ‘tattooed evil Cade’!

There was one problem I noticed though; put the normal Cade skin in your base folder and the normal Cade and team skins will be available in game. However, if you put only the clan Cade skin in your base folder, and when you select him ingame, the skin doesn’t work (at least it didn’t for me) it just shows the default Kyle skin. However, if you put BOTH the clan and the normal Cade skin .pk3s in your base folder, the clan Cade skin will replace the red team skin for the normal Cade.

It’s not a big problem, but it is a bit of an annoyance if you want to be able to pick from all four skin versions ingame.

Other than that, this is an excellent skin, and it gets a very big thumbs up from me! :thumbsup:

Fans of the Legacy comics should love this skin, and it has appeal to a wider more general audience too because of its excellent quality. I highly recommend this as a download!

Go on, what are you waiting for…download this skin you must! Use my Jedi mind powers I am!

Ok, ok…Yoda I am not…

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