Carrier Mod Beta

Box art for Carrier Mod Beta For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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The Carrier Mod Adds new gameplay to the stock version of Armada 2. The beta comes with a Federation Carrier/Battlecruiser (the Eagle class) and a Klingon Carrier (the C8V). The Carriers automatically launch fighters when enemies are in range, aloowing for the carrier to choose a different target from the fighters, or to simply run away, essentially creating a new 'Hit-And-Run' tactic. The disadvantage of carriers is their vulnerability without fighters. the Eagle can still stand up to a fair amount of punishment and can face down most cruisers, but the C8V is very weak on it's own, and extremely vulnerable if it's fighter wings are drawn off. However, the C8V will also launch Ace pilots (with increased weapons damage), randomly inserted into their flights. The computer WILL use these carriers, and ruthlessly, too, sometimes, so watch out!

The mod package also includes basic instructions for adding carriers like these to your personal mods, and an example 'launch fighters' ODF.

Future releases will include more races (Romulans and 8472 are next on the list), more carrier types, and special anti-fighter ships for combatting these new threats.

Enjoy, and please let me know what you think!
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