Chat Icon Mod

Box art for Chat Icon Mod For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Well, did everybody have an awesome 4th of July? I know I did.... not. >_>

Anyways, here we have a simple custom chat icon mod. For those of you who are in the clan, , this is a treat for you I suppose. As for others, well, it's really up to you if you wish to use it!

As far as changes go, they changed it completely. Obviously when you're going for a unique and custom look, this is basically what you'd get.
All the author really did to the chat icon was add in a logo with the clan tags and change the border of the chat icon to red. Other than that, nothing really changed.

Since there is nothing else to go over for this, I'll just wrap up this review by saying that this isn't a bad chat icon if you ask me. It could use a little touching up here and there, but other than that, I think the author did a pretty swell job! All that is left to say is I hope I see more work from you, author!

If you're looking for a unique chat icon or you're actually in , this is definitely worth a download. :)

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