Command and Conquer: Generals Zero Hour Moutain Fox

Box art for Command and Conquer: Generals Zero Hour Moutain Fox For: Command and Conquer: Generals Zero Hour
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Moutain Fox is a bonus map for Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour created by original developers of the game. The battle can be played in multiplayer or skirmish.
How to install:
Open the compressed folder (.zip file) of the map you have downloaded from Generals World.
Extract all the files to your Maps data folder. This folder is located in your My Documents folder.
The maps data folder is My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\MapsOn Windows 98/Me systems, the complete path to this folder is: C:\My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\Maps\On Windows 2000/XP systems, the complete path to the folder varies. The basic path is always: C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\Maps\ where [User Name] is your Windows login user name. Each compressed folder (.zip file) should already contain a folder of the same name as that of the map you downloaded. Thus, when you extract the folder, a new folder of that name should be created inside of the Maps folder.
Start up Generals or Zero Hour, go into Skirmish or Multiplayer and select Unofficial Maps. The map you just downloaded should now be listed.
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