Computer override wave

Box art for Computer override wave For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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In addition to the other wave special weapons he has turned out in the past comes the computeroverride wave.

For those that aren\'t familier with the special weapons in stock A2 the computer override can give you command of anything thats capable of moving (ships or even movable stations like the species 8472 mother)

I do think this is a bit unbalanced because of the sheer power of the computer override weapon. The computer override is notorious for the death of high value ships such as the Tactical Fusion Cube by taking it over and self destructing in the stock A2, and its barely balanced out by being able to run avoid the projectile thats fired.

With a wave you can\'t hide, and worse it hits multiple targets. As all battleships have the option to self destruct one of these ships could fire off its weapon and self destruct an entire armada of ships.

A human player might be able to adjust to something like this, but the AI won\'t be able to making this a total \"god\" weapon.
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