Conflict in Space: New Units

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Conflict in Space: New Units (V4.1)


1) Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer
* requirements: tech level 5, space station level 5, shipyard planet
* available in skirmish (space station level 5)
* equipped with an axial superlaser -> 1 hit = hardpoint destroyed
* orbital bombardment capable
2) TIE Avenger
* tech level 5 starfighter with lure ability
* A-Wing\'s counterpart
3) TIE Phantom
* cloaked fighter available on Aeten II only
* semi-transparent, invisible on enemy radars, can travel undetected though the galaxy
* buildable in skirmish (level 4 & 5)
4) Royal Guard TIE Interceptor
* red TIE Interceptor with a hyperdrive and shield
* available on Coruscant only

1) NRS \"Mediator\"
* \"hero\" variant of the Mediator cruiser
* equipped with heavy ion cannon (similar to planetary i.c.)
* level 5 hero, buildable in skirmish (space station level 5)
2) Liberator cruiser
* requirements: tech level 2, level 4 space station
* carries 6 X-Wing squadrons and 4 Y-Wing squadrons
* available in skirmish (level 3)
3) K-Wing
* heavy bomber armed with laser cannons, turbolaser cannons, proton torpedoes and concussion missiles
* buildable in GC (tech level 5) and skirmish (space station level 4)

* all capital ships are buildable on on all shipyard planets (including SSDs and Mediator)
* Death Star II buildable on all planets
* 2 new shipyard planets: Bestine and Corellia
* B-Wing/K-Wing/ARC-170 bombing run feature added
* LoW SSD V1 replaced with Bailknight\'s one
* new V4 models fixed and improved
* cpt. Needa\'s comeback
* more new units available is skirmish mode
* improved AI

* more balanced Alderaan\'s Demise scenario
* hunt ability for X-Wing
* wingless MCC - shield hardpoint removed, icon size adjusted
* Venator SD - hardpoints reassigned
* improved explosions in space
* robotic sounds for TIE/D fighters
* E-Wing is slighly better against larger ships
* TIE Defender is more expensive
* smaller Titan Cruiser
* slighly smaller Death Stars
* slighly improved hero spawning in GC
* Clone Wars-era starting units removed from level 3 and 5 GC scenarios
* Liberators and Venators added as starting units to some GC scenarios
* Republic SD toned down
* Titan and Home One - population value 4 instead of 6
* Executor SSD is less expensive on Fondor, Mediator - on Mon Calamari and Death Star II - on Endor
* blue lasers for Acclamator
* improved some icons
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