d3Chaos1.57x *

Box art for d3Chaos1.57x * For: Doom 3
Size: 48.98 MB
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Here is the latest placeholder version of d3Chaos replaceing every other version ive ever done past 1.39x+ previously ... . . . You will need D00M3latest-patched v1.3.1 to play only for the /base/ copy and NOT /d3xp/ ROE without multi nor singleplayed|||Chaos(ver1.57x);,*
Knee-deep in the Dead;,*
Episode1 remixedx+;,*
by dxrchon(asf);,*

UPDATED ~ August 28th, w15k ; , *

NOTE ~ This outdates anything ive previously done for Doom3, period ; , *
Ill answer to anything ive done as well no matter what ~

STORY ~ A long times ago, the Union Aerospace Corporation's base complex on Phobos has
fallen under attack by an unknown force of negative creatures from the warp by
entering thru the UAC teleporter system without warning ... . . . Leaving the
entire base complex ~ Knee-deep in the Dead ! ; , *
. . .
If you happen to appear as a Marine, youll be facing a living nightmare
against the chaotic creatures that have infested the complex completely ...
The only way out is once again, through ... . . . Good luck Marine ; , *

REQUIRED ~ You ONLY needeth Doom3 version 1.3.1 latest patched version to play ; , *

INSTALL ~ Please unzip d3chaos157.zip into your Doom3\* folder, so that you then
have Doom3\chaos\* installed in that form ... Where 'Doom3' is whatever your
root folder of Doom3 'actually' is called in its place, even if the same ...
Then you can run CHAOS.CMD, which is just a simple 'batch' file there to
load chaos into Doom3 ... *OR* just run Doom3.Exe yourself, then load
Chaos thru the main_mod_menu ... . . .

UNINSTALL ~ To REMOVE Chaos, you can simply and Completely delete the chaos\* folder
within your Doom3\* folder ONLY ... Try NOT to delete anything other than the
chaos\* folder to avoid any problems with Doom3\* itself no doubt ; , *

CONTACT ~ This is the complete episode of the Chaos modification for D00M3, and&
is in place of any previous version I ever did ... Its going great * If
you wish to say anything et al or questions or such, contact me ~ and&
Ill do the best I can to respond as a friend, thank you ; , *

EMail => [email protected] ; , *

ModdB => http://moddb.com/mods/d3chaos ; , *

AltPage => http://dlegion.weebly.com ; , *

Ill do my very BEST to support d3chaos ; , *

*or* ANYthing I previously did ; , *
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