Darth Malaks Robes

Box art for Darth Malaks Robes For: Knights of the Old Republic
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When I saw Darth Malak for the first time in a trailer advertising [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] as an upcoming game, I really felt a chill go up my spine as I felt we were going to be in for a treat with the new Dark Lord that was created. Fourteen months later the game finally came out and it started as any Star Wars movie does. I read the open crawl and found out that Darth Malak was not the bad boy I thought he was. When it talked about Malak being the surviving apprentice to Darth Revan, I realized that he was a villain who took a back seat to Revan in terms of his power; otherwise he wouldn’t have been in the apprentice role when working with Revan.

Malak was tall. I suppose the official or unofficial height of Malak is just over two meters. That would put him around 6’6” or 6’7”. I totally disagree with this height listing as he’s just about as tall at Zaalbar, and both of them tower above the average sized humans you see in the game. I would list him around 7’0” based on the height you see in the game.

DarthHK makes his FileFront debut bringing us a mod that gives you a robe that you can wear to look like Darth Malak. Not only that he gives you some beefed up stats to wear along with it. The Malak model has the same fighting animations as you see with Darth Nihilus in TSL. The model also has missing animations, some of them combat, but not ones you would have in a one on one battle with a Jedi. BioWare saw no need to put those in since they didn’t plan on someone being Malak. Things like unlocking doors and opening containers is where you’ll see the lack of animations.

Make sure you use single-handed weapons; either a sword or lightsaber. Using a blaster will look funny has he has no animations for that, nor does have animations for hand-to-hand combat. Using dual weapons or a double-bladed lightsaber won’t work well either as again it will be missing the animations for that too.

Make sure you read the readme for what kinds of stats you’ll get with the robe and how to cheat to get it. Enjoy the Malak appearance robe! :D

[b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

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