DarthStevenuss Lightning Enhancement Pack v1.0

Box art for DarthStevenuss Lightning Enhancement Pack v1.0 For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Even though it\'s a Dark Side ability, you have to admit that Force Lightning is the only really cool Force ability. ;)

And like me, you hated how it looked in it\'s default iteration within Jedi Academy.
Well, DarthStevenus to the rescue, and then some! :)

I don\'t know why this is listed as a mini-mod when it is anything but. Todays package, is new effects for Force Lightning, or as I like to call it now, \"Force F*** You!, mwahaha! }>

The only thing is that you can only have ONE variant installed at a time. Me personally, I\'ve love to see a mod made that lets you cycle through all the different effects and colours within the game itself, but I suspect that would be impossible. Still, you\'re spoilt for choice with this pack as it stands at the moment. :)
Not only do you get a selection of new effects for Force Lightning (I love the data beam variant), but you also get a new Force Lightning stance, a new Force Push effect, a new lightsaber, and 3 slightly modified weapons.

This is most definitely, a win. :)

[b]New Sounds:[/b] Yes
[b]New Animations:[/b] Yes
[b]New Effects:[/b] Yes
[b]New Models:[/b] Yes
[b]New Textures:[/b] Yes

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