Defiant class by Aad Moerman

Box art for Defiant class by Aad Moerman For: Star Trek: Armada 2
Size: 2.83 MB
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It's not often a new single-ship upload makes me want to stand up and applaud. But Aad Moerman's do-over of the stock Federation class destroyer, no less an icon than the Defiant class, is worthy of such praise and then some. Quite possibly the most famous starship not named Enterprise, the Defiant was the star of the show throughout the Dominion War, and she'd be the weapon of choice for the majority of our fanbase here at A2Files. This is one model you're going to catch yourself starin' at, kids. I know I did.

The model itself comes in at about a thousand poly, which might be a problem if you spam 'em in the stock game on a low-end machine. But the textures are incomparably clean and everything you'd want a legend to be. Unlike a few other Defiants I've seen, this one glows in all the proper places and --best of all-- it's coloured properly, too! This one is sure to become the new standard in Defiant-focused PotDs. You're not likely to find a more perfect balance between poly count and texture work anytime soon.

The only downside is that you're still reliant on stock buildbuttons and wireframes, but the "tough little ship" is a pretty sure addition to any mod from Ghost's to Borg Incursion and back again. It's nothing you can't find everywhere else, including in stock, but that shouldn't keep you from trying.

I have a strong suspicion that this model will become one of the most popular both in downloads and in future PotDs. It's certainly worthy of immediate download. Considerable credit to Aad Moerman for rendering a fan favourite in such exquisite detail. Download this one right now.

- the Kid

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