DentonMod Revision 3 Alpha

Box art for DentonMod Revision 3 Alpha For: Doom 3
Size: 743.69 MB
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TheRealSceneGraphManager has returned and he brings along, for your gaming enjoyment, a revision to the popular modification that many have enjoyed in the past! It is important to note, that this version will not work if you use an ATi card; The developer has stated that a fix is pending, and will be released shortly. Another important note is that this download is designed for high-end systems only. If you're barely chugging through medium settings the mod really isn't for you at this point. Optimizations, etc. are coming; this is just a testbed and as such they aren't in yet.

What you are about to download is an Alpha release of the DentonMod revision 3 the definitive Doom 3 source edit and standalone single player modification. If you think you've played some great Doom III content in the past, then buckle your seatbelt, and prepare for some seriously intense action!
[b]Some of the new features included are:[/b]
Revised sound attenuation models for more realistic falloff and greater/more effective spatial positioning phenomena
Tweaked enemy AI logic and scripts
Realistic first-person weapon inertia
Rebalanced/modified weaponry designed for maximum enjoyment and utility
3rd-person HUD visibility
Revised Gears of War-style 3rd-person camera functionality (customizeable)
Procedural visor frost generation while on Mars surface
Restored pm_modelView command
Projectile launch code fixes, improvements and additional modifications
Halo-style grenade usage
HeadExplody framework for wider enemy damage possibilities including artist-specifiable
And more!
There are some 'known issues' contained in DentonMod Revision 3 Alpha (v3.05a), and they are listed in the readme, however, if you happen to locate any that are not already known, then please be sure to let TheRealSceneGraphManager know; if you're looking to get your fill of some Single Player mayhem, then all thats left to do is start the download!

Refer to the readme for more information.
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