DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir, download DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir free, free DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir mod download, free download of DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir mod for Quake 3: Arena, Quake 3: Arena free mod DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir download, download for free DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir Quake 3: Arena, free download full mod DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir, direct download link DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir, download DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir modification
full download DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir Quake 3: Arena, Quake 3: Arena DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir, free Quake 3: Arena mods DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir, DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir direct download free, DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir download for free, DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir Quake 3: Arena download link, free download Quake 3: Arena DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir, DerkInstall - copy to q3 dir mod, Quake 3: Arena modifications
1.)Locate Quake 3 Arena directory.
2.)Download and extract .zip contents.
3.)In Quake 3 Arena, select "Mods->DerkDerk"
4.)yeahyeahyeah The complete install of the mod, DeRKe3arena.