Dynamic music - proof of concept

Box art for Dynamic music - proof of concept For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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The story goes, Freyr knew he could put this together in a way that made sense. So he decided to go ahead and submit this as proof of concept for the Year-End Modding Contest.
This mod is designed to showcase several different things:-

Dynamic music that only activates at certain times depending on what you are doing. This is common in other games, but a first for Armada II. It also demonstrates that you do not need to spend years developing a massive mod! This mod was started on Sunday the 4th after Thunderfoot was lamenting the lack of competition in the gameplay section of the modding competition and finished on Thursday the 15th.

That's 11 days in total, and I'd be the first one to admit I didn't spend all of it developing the mod. This mod also introduces a rather different gameplay style for Armada in the hope of persuading a few other people to have a play with completely different ideas to see what they can produce.

People seem to be attached to the idea that you have to have a base with static buildings. Think again guys. :) If you think about a star wars mod there is no reason that the rebels should have a static base -AT ALL-. With a little imagination it would be quite possible to have the entire setup mobile and movable, which would shift the entire feel of the game more towards how it is portrayed in the films/books with the rebels running from an imperial fleet.[/quote]

In order to prove this can be done, Freyr has put together a little mod designed to do exactly that. Note that he's done this using a science fiction universe that's quite popular, but which he'd prefer to have remain nameless (unless you want the spoilers, in which case, he's included credits for the models used).

This is definitely worth a look because it takes the whole "new gameplay concept" category to its logical end: something of the likes we've never seen before, and which hopefully we'll see LOTS more of in future mods.

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