EF xtraconfig

Box art for EF xtraconfig For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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If you're tired of setting up your key binds and editing your cfg file everytime you're forced to reformat, or maby you're getting into this game for the first time, (or even reinstalling after a long break from playing) then this download is definately something you'll want to hang on to! Once installed, this file will make such changes as:
hunkMegs will be changed to '192', where the default is '47'
zoneMegs will be changed to '128', where the default is '18'

This file will also make changes to the keyboard binds, so that precious time is not spent searching out the default key for the function that you want to do. Some changes will include:
C = Toggle duck/stand
V = Toggle run/walk
[u]Weapons Management[/u]:
1 = Cycle weapons group A (rifle, I-mod)
2 = Cycle weapons group B (Stasis, scavenger)
3 = Cycle weapons group C (grenade, tetryon)
4 = Cycle weapons group D (quantum, dreadnaught)

Why do the work yourself, whe someone else has done it for you? Enjoy!

Refer to the readme for more information including the installation instructions.
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