Enhanced Beta 0.6.2

Box art for Enhanced Beta 0.6.2 For: Command and Conquer: Generals
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After nine months of modding, the 2st beta is released. This beta (0.6.2) of Enhanced ZH Mod provides only skirmish gameplay. Improved a lot since the first released, read more in optional description. hide detail -

What have changed since 0.5:
-Grass, Bushes.
-Improved dead trees
-New rock textures
-New tree canopy shadows
-Improved enviromental atmosphere (Nature and water)
-Improve balanced of the gamplay + Adv. Crusader gained Anti-tank missile, Battlemasters gained Anti-infantry machine gun, buildings are a bit tougher against armor piece and explosion, explosion do less damage to tanks, Comanche does more damage with missiles or laser, Avenger no longer able to intercept tomahawk or scud missile, Flamethrower weapon optimized, Weapons now have a chance of missing their targets.
-Lags fixed
-Improved AIs + Boss AI, SupW AI fixed, GLAs AI Improved, Laset AI, Tank AI, Infa AI.
-New units + Laser Comanche, Various Battlebuses, Demo Saboteur, Stealth Terrorists lol, Cobra Tank (GLA Slth), Advanced Crusader (Replaced Crusader), Cars for terrorists, Chinese Mandarin Dragon, American Stryker, Chinese Support Crawler.
-New buildings and techs + GLA Scrap Yard (own coding), China Repair Station.
-New upgrades + Mandarin Dragon \'s destroyer gun (Tank).
-Completed parachute models
-Scaled infantries including cilivians
-Improved skylightning
-New water shaders
-Sharpen road textures for higher details
-New control bar HUD faction logos
-New control bar
-Optimized fountain textures
-New particle effects + Napalm, Tomahawk, Flames, Bombtrucks.
-Night models
-Nearly all objects in game got volume shadow
-Flag capturing system
-Oil-related structure blown up when dead
-New cameos

Models change list:
-Black Market [Night Snow Garrisoned]
-Some vehicles that don\'t have headlight
-AirF Patriot missing animation
-Helicopters with search lights


[FM] Enhanced Mod Team as followed
VectorIV - Leader, Coder, Scripter, Artist and Modeler
Fire11 - Main Modeler
swedishplayer-97 - Mapper
vietchinh - Importing scripts

Vorontsov Boris - ENB Series
GogoYubari - Scorch Textures
QSN - Bloom
X-tremeAurora - Bug reporting
Trailhog250 - Lag fixing
And others that I can\'t remebered lol

Special Thanks:
NProject Mod
C&C: ShockWave
Command & Conquer Tiberian Dawn Redux
Command & Conquer: Untitled
Command & Conquer Vengeance
Zero Hour Reborn
New Tech ZH
Fritz\'s Mod
Fallout Studio
Sleipnir\'s Stuff
Westwood Studio
Should I thank EA? lol

To report a bug or missing effect or whatever, send me a private message because if it\'s comment, I would missed it.
***Using contents in this mod is allow just be sure to credit the assets owner, otherwise I\'ll drain your blood until you\'re dried out and I\'m not kidding. xD

Vector IV [[email protected]] or on Moddb or on Falloutstudio

-Vector, enjoy. A map pack will be following by soon!
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