Enhanced Textures Mod

Box art for Enhanced Textures Mod For: Doom 3
Size: 65.69 MB
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Are you contemplating a new look for your game? Are you after any kind of download that will improve the visual eye-candy that bushwhacks your peepers? What about one that will do this, and more, to [u]both[/u] [b]D3Base[/b] and [b]Resurrection of Evil[/b]? Well, if this is something for you, then Enhanced Textures Mod is for you...

This mod enhances the xxx_h.tga & xxx_d.tga textures to give you a better overall look to D3Base and RoE, for an eye-popping assault of Doom goodness that will have your baby blue (or insert actual colour) Orbs screaming for more, and more...

Dafama2K7 brings this mod for your D3 enjoyment, so start enjoying...

Refer to the readme for more information.
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