Ent Faction Mod

Box art for Ent Faction Mod For: Battle for Middle Earth 2
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Ent Faction Mod
Beta 1.0
By satx007

What it does?

A very simple mod that replaces the Elves with the Ents.

Known Things/Bugs:
- The faction is still called Elves in the menu screen.
- Pikes are very effective at taking down Ents (Yet this could balance things out because Ents

are slow to start but base killers late game.
- Spellbook does not work yet (May be fixed in a later version)
- Ent Ash skin is missing some animations but nothing major
- Cannot recruit custom heros from the Ent Moot

- Ents cost 700 and build faster
- Ents made more resistant to bursting into flames
- Treebeard buffed
- Ent Moot health buffed
- Ent Moot cost increased $200
- Added a new Ent skin (Ent Ash)

The Ents have now risen to fight for themselves. As true to the story line Ents are slow at

what they do, so do not expect them to be a rushing faction. Yet also true to the story they

are monsters when they\'ve had plenty of time to be around. Since the ents are rather expensive

they will use the Elves\' Trees for resources, but the Trees now give more money and can be

placed closer together. So don\'t be surprised to arrive at an ent base and see a forest of

resource collectors. The ents were also given access to the Mirror of Galadriel for healing



It was inspired by the War of the Realms map that was around for BFME1.
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