Fallout: New Vegas Saints and Sinners v.1.41

Box art for Fallout: New Vegas Saints and Sinners v.1.41 For: Fallout: New Vegas
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Saints and Sinners is a mod for Fallout: New Vegas, created by PushTheWinButton.
Description (in author�s own words):
The karma system in Fallout:New Vegas is lacklustre - even the help screen tells you it means nothing. I changed that that (and no, I'm not talking about the help screen).

Karma Perks
With this mod, you will be awarded perks depending on your karma level, starting from level 2. There are five different perks, one for each of the alignments: neutral, good, evil, very good, very evil. The good and evil spectrum perks are cumulative - so being very good nets you the good and very good perks, for example. The first time you receive a perk, a message box will display telling you of its effects. After that you will receive un-intrusive corner messages to notify you which perks are gained and lost.

The Perks:
Neutral: "Drifter" - bonus movement speed and reduced weapon spread;
Good: "Protector" - bonus to Speech and Barter, large discount on small items from merchants;
Very Good: "Lawman" - bonus to damage resistance, slowly lose infamy if you're the friend of a faction;
Evil: "Desperado" - chance of additional money on civilians you kill;
Very Evil: "Crimelord" - damage bonus and moderate discount from merchants.

Hit Squads
Much like in Fallout 3, straying from neutral gains the attention of certain parties. They will only attack after level 4 - you will receive a notification hinting at this.
If you are on the good karma spectrum, Mobsters from a Vegas crime syndicate will try to kill you. Likewise if you are evil, Bounty Hunters will attempt to claim the bounty on your head.
These enemies are intended to be a challenge - they level with your character and select their equipment from tiered, level-dependent lists. In my opinion this is a much needed departure from New Vegas' standard, where combat is woefully easy. Stay well equipped, and use the proper ammo, and you'll be fine. That said, difficulty is a difficult thing to get right so I'll welcome feedback on this.
Hit squads will attack at least every three days (vanilla respawn time) but are more likely to take longer. They will only attack in the Mojave or Freeside, therefore your immersion will not be broken by them attacking in the Capital Wasteland, for example.
Use the Nexus Mod Manager
You need to have installed and activated New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE), JIP NVSE Plugin. and Lutana NVSE Plugin.
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