Federation Kitbash MOD

Box art for Federation Kitbash MOD For: Star Trek: Armada 2
Size: 2.35 MB
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Well folks, a MOD some have been waiting for. It's been seen in the forums, and now we have that very package right here (for download) - This is Epytron_Omega's Kitbash MOD which gives players a choice of some new nifty Federation vessels, along with a brand spanking new shipyard.

All these models (to my knowlege) are from the game (just put together, or edited whichever) - The point is that this guyh as taken the time to go through them all, think up ideas, and then put them into practise. ;)

Now, whilst most of them aren't to my personal liking, I urge you to download and try them out. ;)
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