FO Cardassians

Box art for FO Cardassians For: Star Trek: Armada 2
Size: 12.9 MB
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From the Mail: [quote]Here is the mod for the mod Fleet Ops Preview Version. The read me file included in the zip file should contain a good explanation, but this is a mod replaces the Breen avatar with a Cardassian avatar in the Fleet Ops mod. The Fleet Ops Preview Version, 3.1 is required for this mod. This mod has been approved by the Fleet Ops team. On your website, I am registered under the screen name "Zeich". Included in this e-mail is the mod file in a zip, and two screenshots. Enjoy the mod.[/quote]Now this is something extrodinary ;)

What it does you may ask? Well, simply it replaces the FO Breen (within the Dominion) with the Cardassians (all three ships) - and some pretty neat models at that. My only downfall is that you cannot keep the Breen and build the Cardassians also, but no doubt there is a reason for that.

Nevertheless, FO now has a Hideki, Galor & Keldon (something I could have sworn FO were going to do - being to add the Cardassians to the Dominion anyway, though we never saw them in V3). However, thanks to Zeich, we now have them ;)


PS: I "think" the admirals' log images are missing, and the screenshots could do with being a bit bigger, but whatever :p
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