Galaxy Class and venture refit

Box art for Galaxy Class and venture refit For: Star Trek: Armada 2
Size: 2.32 MB
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On the site, we get all kinds of files, with the majority of them Federation ships. With all choices, how do you know which is best to download? Well, that\'s that what file reviewers are for, and I\'m telling you to download this.

This is a Galaxy class and the dominion war refit by Michael Kelly, and these are superb. It uses Deemons texures for a base, but Michael managed to make them better. Also the venture refit with the necelle phaser strips adds color to the mod pack. I don\'t think that they have any other Venture refits out, but that\'s something I\'ll have to check. The weapons in the ODF file for the venture class are not stock, so you may have to change that to your own configuration settings.

I highly reccomend a download, and I even made my own Storm 3D screenshot of the venture.
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