Guild Alliance

Box art for Guild Alliance For: World of Warcraft
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Guild Alliance is a mod for combining multiple guilds with ease. Another guild page is added to the \'friends frame\' like CTRA. It lists guild members from the other guild and other functions such as inspections, alliance chat, alliance officer chat and guild leader controls.

!!!! PLEASE NOTE !!!!
This addon is still very much in development. It is changing rapidly so please revisit at a later time to see whats new. I would also appreciate any feedback and ideas to make my mod better.

What this Mod CAN do:
* View multiple online members of an alliance (or even use it for an alt guild)
* Set an Alliance Message of the Day which can also contain item links. Permission must be granted by the guild leader.
* Inspect anyone\'s gear and stats with the addon within your alliance. Permission to do so must be granted by that user for security purposes and piece of mind. Inspections are disabled while in combat to reduce lag.
* Send and receive alliance messages. This feature may be disabled by the guild leader. Customisable color options!
* Send and receive alliance officer messages. By default this option is disabled. It must be enabled by your guild leader.
* View a users state (afk, dnd etc)
* Sort the alliance list by name, guild, rank index or class.
* Mass guild messages sent only by the guild leader. Those with the addon will receive a pop-up message if they are not in combat.
* Compatible with \'Skinner\'.

What this Addon CANT do:
* Combine normal/officer guild messages. I attempted to do this first but quickly ran into privacy issues. Even though I could get around double-up messages, I realised that not everyone wants to see other guilds talk. Please use the ALliance chat for this purpose by the slash command /gam
* It cant be hacked by an external member to inspect your gear. Unless someone was to give out a hacked version of the software to everyone, it is impossible for them to by-pass your permission.
* A bug-free wow life. I\'m sorry but furing this development phase of this addon there will be bugs. Let me know if you find any.
* Give you inter-stellar domination...

Example of how to use:
* Open the \'GA\' tab.
* Press \'Add Friend\'
* Enter a user you wish to communicate with. They must have the addon and be online. Optionally you can press \'Friends List\' which scans your friends for people who have the addon and adds them automatically. Pressing the \'Who List\' will use the who function to look for users. This is the best way to add members from a whole guild.
* Enter a channel/password. Note that you can only use one password at a time. You can\'t use different passwords for different guilds. Not entering a password will default to \'default\'. This of thise feature more like a channel, and anyone on the same channel can be part of the alliance.
* You should get a message that the person was added if they are online and have the same version.
* Press the \'Refresh\' button to request guild data. This will also scan for more people with the addon who are in the same guild as the person you entered before.
* If someone changes guild, that user will be removed from the list. Re-enter them if you still with to use them as a gathering source.
* Go to the \'Options\' page to set message and inspection preferences. The color of the alliance messages are changed here.

Thats pretty much it. I hope to add some more functionality soon. Any ideas would be great!
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