Helios Spawn Menu Mod

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Helios (Spawn Menu) Mod 1.0
By: Helios ([email protected])

Compatibility of Mod: -Works with version 1.505 (should be able to work with any lower version however) + Other mods (look at bottom section)
-NO new game required, works with any saved game. So don't give me excuses not to try it out! :)

What is it? Helios Spawn Menu Mod is a collection of three small scripts for spawning artifacts, armour, weapons, ammo, quest items, monsters, and stalkers.

How does it work? Helios Spawn Menu Mod is enabled through the main menu (not to interfere with ANY in-game key bindings) using specific key bindings in order to spawn either items or an NPC. If items are spawned, they will go directly inside Scar's inventory. If a monster/stalker is spawned, it will spawn near Scar after the main menu is closed.

Instructions: 1) After downloading the mod, place the gamedata folder inside Clear Sky's main directory. Usually it is C:Program FilesGSC World PublishingClear Sky.

2) Run Clear Sky.

3) Either start a new game or load a saved game.

4) Press ESC while in-game.

5) After the main menu is brought up, press the following keys to spawn something.

NOTE: You can press different keys any number of times to spawn either a lot of items or a squad of monsters/stalkers. However, this will usually result in a little bit of lag when spawning in large quantities. I also would advise you to download separate mods to go along with Helios Spawn Menu. More info at bottom.

6) Press "Return to Game".

7) That's it! Either items have been spawned in your inventory or an NPC is near you.

Known Bug: Only press the binded keys after you load or start a new game. Unless you like crashes...

Key Bindings: Because I have yet to finalize a separate menu for spawning, each key has to be memorized for now. Remember:

Numbers 1-0 = Items.
First row of keyboard or keys Q-Y = Humanoid mutants.
Second row of keyboard or keys A-L = Stalkers.
Third row of keyboard or keys Z-B = Domestic mutants. I use the term "domestic" simply because rats and pigs don't scare me. :P

NOTE: If you are not using a QWERTY keyboard, or simply not happy with the key bindings, they can be changed in "Helios.ltx" using Notepad. The script is pretty straight-forward so I won't go into any details.

Pressing a key will result in the following:

Numbers: 1 = All artifacts + detectors, including the Compass artifact.
2 = All armors.
3 = All weapons.
4 = Pistol ammo: 50*9x18 pmm, 50*9x18 fmj, 50*11.43x23 hydro, 50*11.43x23 fmj. I also included the machine-gun ammo (100*PKM) here to save space.
5 = Shotgun ammo: 25*12x70 buck, 25*12x76 dart, 25*12x76 zhekan. Also here is 75*9x19 pbp, 75*9x19 fmj.
6 = Assault rifle ammo: 75*5.45x39 ap, 75*5.45x39 fmj, 75*5.56x45 ss190, 75*5.56x45 ap, 75*9x39 ap, 75*9x39 pab9.
7 = Sniper ammo: 25*7.62x54 7h14, 25*7.62x54 7h1, 25*7.62x54 ap. Also here are 25 Gauss rounds.
8 = Grenades: 5*rgd5, 5*f1, 5*gd-05(SMOKESCREEN! YAY!). Also here are 5*og-7b, 5*vog-25p, 5*vog-25, 5*m209 grenades.
9 = Medical and food supplies: 10 x bandages, 2 x regular medkits, 2 x scientific medkits, 2 x army medkits, 5 x antirad, 1 x bread, 1 x sausage, 1 x canned food, 2 x vodka, 5 x energy drinks.
0 = Misc. and quest items: This category is experimental simply because I included everything here that I couldn't fit into other categories. Everything from a harmonica to monster parts is included here, so try it out for yourself. I included quest items but somehow they aren't working for me. Give it a try and tell me if it works. :/

NOTE: I tried to balance the ammo in relatively small quantities. If you are not happy with this, change "Helios.ltx" using Notepad. This goes for other items as well.

First Row: Q = Snorky Snorks! (As in: Imagine the Q is a gasmask.)
W = Bloodsuckers, including Marsh Bloodsuckers. (As in: WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU LET THESE HORRIBLE THINGS INTO THIS MOD?!)
E = Pseudo-Giants. (As in: Enourmous)
R = Controllers. (As in: contRolleR)
T = Telekinetic Poltergeists. (As in: Telekinetic)
Y = Fire Poltergeists. (As in: flaYm on!)

Second Row: A = Clear Sky.
S = Stalkers. (As in: Stalkers)
D = Duty. (As in: Duty)
F = Freedom. (As in: Freedom)
G = Mercenaries. (As in: don't forGet, they're friendly!)
H = Renegades. (As in: Horrible rip-off of Bandits.)
J = Bandits.
K = Military.
L = Monolith. (As in: monoLith)

First Row: Z = Rats. (As in: Zee fromage.)
X = Blind Dogs. (As in: X_X)
C = Pseudo-Dogs. (As in: if it looks like a Cat, and smells like a Cat...)
V = Fleshes (As in: Vot zee heck is zat thing? o_O)
B = Boars. (As in: Boars)

Regarding Other Mods: I choose to make Helios Spawn Menu separate from any modification for the sake of realism and in order for the player to customize the game as they see fit. If you want to add more to your gaming experience, I recommend these mods:

1) Any God or high jumping mod to get away easily from large spawned quantities of monsters or stalkers.
2) Trader mod to make monster parts sellable to traders (you can sell them to stalkers currently though) or balance the prices of items (especially PKM machine-gun or Compass artifact).
3) Enable Scar to fire in stalker camps. Commonly done through "sr_no_weapon.ltx".
4) Any AI mods.

Just remember to correctly add the scripts into the gamedata folder, since they can rewrite themselves.

Fun things to do with Helios Spawn Menu Mod:1) Spawn a bloodsucker near Lebedev.
2) Wage massive sieges on camps.
3) Leave stalkers in places they never got to before and then see what happened to them. For example, Duty in Marsh. This is actually pretty interesting because all spawned characters randomly roam an area.
4) Gigantic mutant armies!
5) Did somebody say FFA?

Planned features: -Seperate spawn menu, similar to G-MOD for HL2. Currently working on it. No major luck so far, but I think I'm finally getting a break.
-Zombies. For some reason, I can't find the correct tags of zombie models. I did find two, but they're very buggy when I ran it in my game, so I decided to leave them out for now. I promise you, I will not rest until large zombie hordes flailing kalashnikovs can be spawned! :P
-Tagging and removal of characters. Perhaps selection and movement commands. PERHAPS.

Removal: Simply remove the downloaded scripts in the gamedata folder.

Ask me before use in other modifications.

Have fun!
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