Hero Improvement mod

Box art for Hero Improvement mod For: Battle for Middle Earth 2
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This mod basicly makes the heros worth buying. It makes them alot more powerful and 10x funner to have in a game!

The Main Things That I Have Edited Are:

Gandalf- now blasts back eneimeies
does alot more damage
improved wizard blast
lightning sword
Mounted Damage
Istari Light
Word Of Power

Saruman- Increased Area Of His Weapon
Wizard Blast

Gloin- A proper Dwarf Alot more powerful
Improved blast back

Gimli- Worth the resources!
Way more powerful

Mouth Of Sauron- It is said that he is a sorcer in the books so i now his weapon has a damage increase and blasts back enimies!

Nazgul- Now poisins Enimies
Attacks multiple units

Haldir- His golden arrow now blasts back
enimies! v.cool! His sword is
better now!

Aragorn- Weapon Area Increased
Blade MAster Way more Powerful

Glorfindel- Weapon alot better
Blade of purity more powrful
Windrider Faster more Armor

Lurtz- A Real Powerful Uruk! Takes on
alot of eniemies at one time!
Carnage alot better!

Eowyn- Weapon better

Boromir- Weapon better
Horn Of GOndor Last\'s Longer

Thranduil- Bow Blasts Back the Enimie

Legolas- Bow Blasts Back THe Enimie
Hawk Strike time set to 1sec
Swords are always availible

King Dain- Alot more powerful!!!!

Drogoth- Fireball Timer Decreased
Seeing as most dragons breath
fire generally!


If you do download the mod you will find the instructions in the folder along with the ini file!

This is my first ever mod so dont be to harsh! I is quite a simple mod and took about 6hours to make!

Hope You Like It!!!!!
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