Improved Single Player Campaign - We are KLINGONS!

Box art for Improved Single Player Campaign - We are KLINGONS! For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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The Improved Single Player Campaign Project - Klingon
by the ImpSPCam Team

The Improved Single Player Campaign mod continues with the Klingon campaign. Prepare yourself to endure the bitter struggle waged between Martok and the Empire and Gul Kentar's Cardassian Insurrection as redone by the ImpSPCam Team. As before, these were developed and tested with Patch 1.1 applied along with a Single Player Officer limit of 750. As before, some members of the Team also had the A2 Physics Project installed during testing, since all of this was supposed to be a part of that project. It is suggested, but not required, these conditions be in place for use of this mod. It may work with your personal install but it has not been tested that way.

ImpSPCam - Klingon follows the same ideas as ImpSPCam - Federation. Improved AIPs based upon original ideas of Achilles and Freyr. Better maps which have better lighting. Clearer, more concise Objectives screens. Improved techtrees to give the AI, and the player, access to special weapons earlier and more often. The Cardassians have some very unique Special Weapons which significantly add to their combat power. These have been generously applied to the Cardassian AI, which does not hestitate to use them. Some say the Cardassians use Special Weapons faster and more frequently than the Borg did. As before, the Team placed a few small surprises here and there. As before, we'd rather you play the missions to find these than tell you what they are.

While writing the initial AIP build lists, we discovered a better way to write them. Good Human players are able to budget their resources while building so that production bottlenecks and slowdowns seldom occur. Good Human players also do not waste resources building things which are not needed or are not cost efficient. It was not all that difficult to make the AIP mimic these behaviors. The result is the AI now has more ships and bigger fleets to deploy much sooner against your last Mining Station. These also get any Special Weapons available much faster than before. The AI now has enough resources in reserve to quickly replace combat losses and continue the struggle to the bitter end. These AIPs perform so much better than those in ImpSPCam(Fed), we are giving serious thought to releasing a Version 1.1 of the earlier installment later on.

Due to commitments to A2 Vanilla Ultimate, Future Wars, and being Staff at A2Files, Freyr has not sent in a set of "Extra Spicy" AIPs for the Klingon Campaign. We very much regret this is so. However, all is not hopeless. The ImpSPCam team is currently strongly encouraging Freyr to release his AIPs as a stand alone project. He has modified the stock maps and adjusted his AIPs to make them match each mission much more specifically. We are delighted he has begun to plan making his excellent work available as a stand alone mod. We also strongly encourage all of you to go and download Frey'r AIP mods as soon as they becomes available. Misery loves company, eh?

Somehow, we goofed during the release of ImpSPCam(Fed). The modified techtrees were not released along with the mod. We have included the techtrees for the Fed missions here. They include all of the Hero class weapons, so HeroShips will have the appropriate capabilities within the missions.

Again, play balance, was not high on the list of priorities. The ImpSPCam Team feels strongly players should balance a mission through their playing style, rather than us arbitrarily imposing an artificial constraint "to make the mission fair". Reading the comments and emails we've recieved indicates most of you feel this way as well. A few dissenting voices were heard on the balance issue. However, we felt it diplomatic to ignore these. Again, we've included as backups the safer stock mission files. These are also included in the event of a CTD.

The ImpSPCam Team are:

Ameba, Chiletrek, Freyr, StarFox1701, the StarFleet Kid, thunderfoot006(Team Leader)

The Team did all the hard work. The Team came up with all the good ideas. The Team members deserve all the recognition. Me? I was the Team Go-Fer. Whenever the real modders on the Team needed someone to do simple stuff, that was my job. Otherwise, I just sat there being quiet.

The Team would like to extend a very large thank you to Achilles here. His gracious permission to examine and use his ideas and concepts gave this project the perfect start.

The ImpSPCam Team intends to re do the Borg Campaign and the Instant Action AIPs as well. Release date on these is TBA.

Any problems or concerns will be answered in the Forum thread for this mod or the Comments Section below. The Team respectfully asks that the Forum thread be the place to address problems, due to the limited functionality of the Comments section of the Downloads page. We will still answer questions below, however.
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