Improved Venator

Box art for Improved Venator For: Empire at War
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What this mod does:

Changed scale of Venator to 2.2 (size of star destroyer)
Changed both laser cannon batteries to turbolaser batteries (also changed the projectile color to blue)
Increased tactical health, shield health, and hardpoint hitpoints
Changed build points for venator (only able to be built at Kuat, Fondor, Sollust, and Mon Calamari)
Changed accuracy for ion cannons and turbo lasers
Increased damage dealth over all
Rebel varient spawns 2 squads of x-wings with 8 in reserve and 1 squad of y wings with 4 in reserve
Empire varient spawns 2 squads of tie fighters with 8 in reserve and 1 tie bomber squad with 4 in reserve
Enabled Venators to be built by starbases (tech 3) in skirmish mode
Added 2 unique hero space units, one for Obi-Wan and the other for the Emperor (same ship just with the red stripe versus the plain dull gray), the Emperors is called Sith Venator, Obi-Wans is Jedi Venator
Both ships have increased shield recharge rate, sheild strength, and tactical health from the normal Venator
Jedi and Sith Venator spawn 3 squads of V-wings with 15 in reserve
also changed the fighter sizes to .7 to .4 (looks so much better if you have the default ship sizes)
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