ImpSP Campaign Teaser Number Three

Box art for ImpSP Campaign Teaser Number Three For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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Qa'pla, Warriors! The ImpSPCam Team intends to begin work on the Klingon SP Campaign later on this summer. Until then, we present Mission 01, "A Dagger at Zarush" for you to bring honor to your House. There are many new challenges for the true warrior to face and overcome here. Better map. New, much nastier AIP. New Objective Screen. New Techtree. We've also included backups of the stock files, so if you have problems, you can re install the mission as it originally was released. The screen shots are from a determined Cardassian attack on the Federation Research Station. Some of the changes we've made are visible in the screen shots, but subtle.

So what are you waiting for? D/L and install this for Kahless amd the glory of the Empire!

- thunderfoot006 :)

Edited by thunderfoot006
The Developer should read "The ImpSPCam Team", not me, lol. I'm just the team Go_Fer
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