Invasio Barbarorum 2 Beta 0.1

Box art for Invasio Barbarorum 2 Beta 0.1 For: Rome: Total War
Size: 413.38 MB
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THE END OF AN EMPIRE!!! the year is 410AD, the Roman Garrison in Britannia was shipped to Gaul by Constantine III, the usurper. Britannia, beset by raiding Picts and Saxons, asks for help from the Roman Emperor in the West, but was told to fend for tTHE END OF AN EMPIRE!!! the year is 410AD, the Roman Garrison in Britannia was shipped to Gaul by Constantine III, the usurper. Britannia, beset by raiding Picts and Saxons, asks for help from the Roman Emperor in the West, but was told to fend for themse
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