Ira Aduro Avatar

Box art for Ira Aduro Avatar For: Dawn of War Dark Crusade
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If memory serves correctly, I remember initially thinking that the Avatar of Khaine was too much fire, not enough armor. Fire golems by definition tend to flare up like wildfires, and given how much armor this particular specimen is encased in, I\'m surprised the flames are as controlled as they appear to be.

But anyway, this reskin takes a whole different approach to said Avatar. Fire is still a prevalent theme, but it\'s more heavily armored and textured in a theme that is rather comparable to ancient Asian mythos. Whereas the vanilla Avatar is dark and moody, this version appears more like a knight of sorts, as you\'d expect from a \"good\" god (if you can even label anyone in the WH40k universe as the \"good guys\"). Few things have been left alone - the readme sums it all up pretty well.

Personally, I think it\'s a vast improvement, and the shaders really improve the skin over what it would have been had it just been a simple retexture. As I\'ve said many times on JediKnightFiles, the shader doesn\'t make the skin... but it sure as hell doesn\'t hurt, either. It\'s very rare I actually see glow shaders used effectively on specific parts of a model; it\'s not exactly an easy task, although I suppose that really depends on the tools you use. The last file I got my mitts on where the glow shader was a blessing rather than a curse (in my eyes, anyway), was [url=;74138]Scerendo\'s Shadow Trooper for Jedi Knight 3[/url], back in \'06.

But that\'s enough rambling, and I think I\'ve gone on far too long about nostalgic crap which isn\'t all that relevant.

One last opinion I would like to express. I like swords. But I [i]really[/i] like this guy\'s sword.

In my book, this one\'s a keeper. But, like it or loathe it, one thing is for sure. It\'s a quality skin.

~ Kouen
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