JAX 1.02a GUI Fix

Box art for JAX 1.02a GUI Fix For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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JA+ surely has to be one of the most popular mods of all time for the Jedi Knight series, and considering the wide amount of features and server options that it adds to JKA I�"�m not surprised! I can remember how much fun we had with, and how useful the admin commands in particular were back in my clan days. Ahhh nostalgia!

Anyway, here we have a mod for the client side version of JA+, which can be found [file=41256]here[/file]. What this mod does is change the look of the JA+ Client Side main menu, simple as that! Be sure to take a look at the screenies below to get a look at what the new menu is like.

As for improvements, I would like to see the new menu theme extended to the menus you can call up when you are playing too, not just the main menu. Mainly however I would like to see the loading screen fixed, since... there doesn�"�t appear to be any! Unfortunately instead of a loading screen (the one you get if the map does have a levelshot) you just get the missing texture \'grey square of death\'.

Apart from that though, good work here! If you use JA+ often and you fancy a change for the look of the menus, then why not give this mod a try? ;)

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