KA Sword of Kahless BB

Box art for KA Sword of Kahless BB For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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The Sword of Kahless is by far one of the largest Klingon warships ever built. Called the B11 by the Federation the replaced the B10 Bloodstalker Class battleships in the late 2280s. 686M long and massing more then 7.6 million tons he is a monster that was not surpassed in Klingon naval architecture till the Negh\'var came into use. Disruptors and heavy photon torpedoes make up the ships main battery. This is supplemented by an assault phaser cannon and powerful shields. 770 Klingon warriors stand ready at all times to battle the greatest foes of the Empire but the SOK can support a full armor brigade of ground troops when needed but these are not permanently stationed on board. Despite his mass he is much more maneuverable than either of his Federation contemporaries. Only the lack of a cloaking device mares the vessels specifications as the main reactor can\'t power the other systems and cloak a ship of this size using the available Klingon equipment. Expensive to build comparatively few ships of this class were constructed. The Empire however has goten a good return on their investment as members of this class survive and have continued to battle the enemies of the Empire through the dawn of the 25th century.
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