Kellers Para-Germany Mod

Box art for Kellers Para-Germany Mod For: Company of Heroes
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Keller's Para-Germany Mod basically adds more content that you crave and more! Major change in Commander Points system. You won't notice much of a difference but you will notice that you cannot purchase tier 2 or tier 3 abilities unless a corresponding upgrade is purchased at the HQ. This is for both Allies and Axis. You'll be able to click the next ability and click okay but the game won't spend ur poitns and you wont be able to use the ability unless the upgrade is purchased. Yes the AI is capable of doing all of this stuff on its own. Other changes are population limit was increased somewhat, you will notice a difference. This was in hopes to gear people towards using more infantry not tanks but it is what it is. Howitzer and Walking Stuka abilities "nerfed" Again as players we find these things annoying so their cool down times were increased and their damages decreased.

Snipers buildable in forward barracks, along with AT Squads. AT Guns accuracy vs. infantry, especially snipers, drastically decreased. I was sick and tired of AT Gun "spamming" where it was all I fought and it was sick how accurate they were so this was noticeably reduced. Axis pioneer roll 3 deep instead of 2... I thought this was stupid. Their price reflects their new "value" of having 3 people. Ranges for Mortar teams and snipers have been increased. Mortars are severely underused so they have been beefed up.

It's important to note the two major bugs, firstly is that the Raid Ability is broken. I don't have the time to fiddle to get it working but if you would like to fix it and repost the mod on this thread you can take credit for it. Also the other bug, at least I think its a bug, is when two players use the Terror tree the second player cannot paradrop troops. Anyone can verify this for me... if you could fix it too that would be fantastic and as always you can have credit.

[b]Now for the actual components of the mod:[/b]

Axis Defense Tree unchanged
Blitzkrieg Tree
Left (2) Stormtroopers
Left (3) Strafe Attack
Left (3) Offmap Assault Group
Right (1 or 2 points?) Copy of Allies Raid ability (broken)
Right (2) Field Repair
Right (3) Blitzkreig)

Terror Tree
Left (1) Spy Plane
Left (2) Off map StuH 42
Left (5) Tiger Ace
Right (1) Paradrop Grenadiers
Right (3) Paradrop AT
Right (4) V1 Rocket
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