
Box art for Lootster For: World of Warcraft
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Lootster is a loot rolling interface that allows you to call for and capture loot roll, arbitrate ties and announce winner(s).

The roll handling includes to use normal 100 rolls, 100/1000 rolls, straight DKP, DKP Tiers or DKP modified rolls, with membership priority, for loot arbitration.

In addition, Lootster has raid, boss, attendance and loot tracking, and has a raid/boss/attendance/loot reporting capability, and allows the synchronisation of raid data from another player.

Finally, it has the ability to keep personalised class restrictions on loot, and allows the synchronisation of item data from another player.

Language Support:
Although basic roll capture will work in French and German, the additional abilities (loot capture) will not, and therefore I have not indicated that this supports other languages.

Known Issues:
* Determination of the Master Looter in a raid is not possible unless the ML is in your party. This stems from lack of information via WoW API
* This means that the ML loot handling won't be accurate if the ML and the raid leader are not the same, or the ML is not in your raid party
* If you are not in a party/raid, you will see no Lootster messages unless you switch on Debug messages. Working as intended
* Whispers to players when they are AFK with whisper suppression on will still show the AFK message. Not sure this is an issue really

Sardonic, LootHog
CodeMoose, DepositBox
Morok (sargeras), French translation (v1.1.1)

= VERSION 2.x.x
* Ability to track raids, including zone, date opened, date reset and instance ID (if available), cummulative attendance and loot counts
* Ability to track bosses in a raid, including name, date started and finished, attendance and cummulative loot counts
* Ability to track boss attendance (Full/Partial/None) per player, including cummulative loot count
* Ability to track boss adjustments (that is, loot) per player, including date, reason and comments
* Ability to open/close raids and start/stop boss tracking from icon toggles next to Lootster user interface (title or mini-map button)
* Ability to take boss attendance of party/raid roster, updating attendance with Full/Partial as necessary
* Ability to auto-create raid and/or boss when targeting a World Boss
* Ability to auto-track loot wins of players (selectable quality of Uncommon and above)
* Ability to track auto-looted Master Looted BoEs loot (see KNOWN ISSUES above)
* Ability to manually record loot wins of players via Lootster roll capture, including multiple winners
* Ability to reassign Master Looted BoE loot when later manually recording loot wins of players via Lootster roll capture (see KNOWN ISSUES above)
* Ability to link into chat using shift-left-mouse click in adjustment list (player or raid adjustment)
* Ability to show item tooltip using ctrl-left-mouse click in adjustment list (player or raid adjustment)
* Ability to report all raids, a single raid or a single boss report, including attendance and adjustments, for copy/pasting
* Ability to change report sort field for raids, bosses, attendances and adjustments
* Ability to change report mode to include/exclude attendance, adjustments, and/or consolidating multiple raid bosses into a single boss report
* Ability to view and maintain user set item class restrictions
* Ability to synchronise item class restriction data *FROM* another online player running Lootster 2.x.x
* Ability to synchronise raid/boss/attendance/adjustment data *FROM* another online player running Lootster 2.x.x

+ Features Enabled by Lootster DKP File/Data
* Ability to use DKP Rolling mode, using straight DKP, Tiered DKP, or DKP modified /rolls (100 is a DKP of 0)
* Ability to utilise Trial and Applicant flags to determine loot priority
* Ability to utilise DKP caps to limit high and low DKP values, with player tiers recalculated appropriately
* Ability to recalculate a player's DKP tier
* Ability to make a manual adjustments to a player's DKP
* Ability to use player alts instead of the main for DKP purposes
* Ability to record the alt that is playing along with the main for attendance and adjustments
* Ability to auto-create raid on zoning into a known zone
* Ability to auto-create boss on targeting a known boss
* Ability to automatically update boss attendance on starting new known boss, starting known boss combat, and on known boss kill, updating attendance with Full/Partial as necessary
* Ability to auto-track DKP loot wins by player (selectable quality of Uncommon and above)
* Ability to track auto-looted Master Looted BoEs loot as 0 DKP
* Ability to manually track DKP loot wins of players via Lootster roll capture
* Ability to reassign Master Looted BoE DKP loot when later manually recording loot wins of players via Lootster roll capture
* Ability to override loot DKP value for a loot win
* Ability to track raid, boss and player DKP when in DKP Rolling mode
* Ability to report raid, boss and player DKP when in DKP Rolling mode

+ Lootster DKP File Documentation
* Seperate SDK download documents the required LootsterDKP.lua file format and/or dynamic DKP data loading format
* WoW Null DKP 1.04 (available at nulldkp.sourceforge.net) has inbuilt support for Lootster 2.x.x DKP file

= VERSION 1.x.x
* Separate roll calls for NEED and GREED, or 100/1000 rolling
* Tied reroll call to those that tied rolls
* Acknowledgement of rolls back to player via whisper (optional)
* Cross checks of the roll - whispers players if they roll out of a roll call, roll twice or use an incorrect roll range
* Ability to recognise class specific loot and to restrict Need rolls to those classes
* Ability to handle rolls for multiple (same) items, including win *and* tie handling
* Counts the number of rolls received Vs. total players in party/raid eligible to roll
* Ability to announce those yet to roll/pass
* Ability to start a countdown period
* Recognises player typing "pass" in party/raid chat (counted in roll count)
* Recognises player typing "reclaim" in party/raid chat (reinstates their passed roll)
* The roll display shows player, roll, class, and bad and duplicate roll counts
* Ability for 100/1000 rolling to accept rolls out of a call for rolls
* Ability for 100/1000 rolling to auto-open window on initial roll detection
* Ability for 100/1000 rolling to auto-clear rolls when window closed
* Ability for 100/1000 rolling to downgrade from Need roll to Greed roll
* Active/auto-snoop mode: when not actively calling for rolls, you can still snoop the rolls, capturing full roll details
* Ability to set item's loot/chat/inventory window's link in the roll messages (Shift-Left Mouse Button)
* User is in control of the roll process - the only thing done automatically is the countdown in seconds
* Ability to show user defined 'loot rules' and/or Lootster help to party/raid
* Ability to allow players to toggle roll acknowledgement whispers (on a player by player basis)
* Ability to allow passive roll/pass mode when not active Lootster (can use roll/pass buttons)
* Ahn'Qiraj loot class restrictions (Scarabs, Idols and Qirajis)
* Ability to display/remember/forget custom class restrictions on individual loot items
* Ability to echo AQ/custom item classes to Party/Raid chat and/or via CT_RaidAssist using link ctrl-shift-right-mouse click
* Ability to echo AQ/custom item classes to Party/Raid chat and/or via CT_RaidAssist using additional UI next to the Blizzard Group Loot Roll UI
* There is no requirement to be the party/raid leader to run Lootster (loot can be linked in chat for the Lootster)

Unzip into \Interface\AddOns

User Interface:
The UI is use to perform all functions, and call be toggled (shown/hidden) through three methods:

* Command line via the /lootster or /ls command
* Minimap button that can be used to toggle the UI
* A small Lootster frame that can be used to toggle the UI

The UI can be moved anywhere on the screen via dragging the Lootster box. If the Minimap button is not used, then the small frame will be shown, and visa versa.

Lootster by default will start up in inactive mode. This means that pressing any of the buttons on the Roll and Rules pages will only go to your chat (although the text will indicate which chat channel it would of been sent).

The addon can be made Active by checking the Active check box on the Roll page. Any buttons pressed while in a party/raid will send messages to the appropriate channel (if you are not in a party/raid, the messages will again be sent to just to your chat).

You are effectively in 'snoop' mode when Lootster is not active. This means you can press all the buttons to setup roll calling, but other players will not see you messages. You will however process rolls as if you were the loot caller. Note that if the Snoop debug messages option is checked, you will receive debug messages to your chat window.

Example Use:
The typical use is:

1) Clear rolls (in case there were not cleared from last roll call)

2) Link item from loot/chat/inventory window (optional) or clear the link if is set but unused

3) Call for NEED rolls

4) Wait for rolls. If not everyone rolls, you have the ability to countdown (time in seconds settable through options)

5) Announce winner, or, if no rollers, clear rolls and call for GREED rolls

6) Wait for rolls. If not everyone rolls, you have the ability to countdown (time in seconds settable through options)

7) In the event of a tie, the Announce will inform the party/raid of the tied winners, and the TIED roll call button will be enabled to allow the tied winners to reroll

8) Wait for rolls. If not everyone tied winner rolls, you have the ability to countdown (time in seconds settable through options)

Note 1: In the event of a tied roll, only rolls from the players that tied will be accepted and shown.

Note 2: If a player types "pass" into party/raid chat during a roll:

a) If they had previously rolled, that roll will be remembered but not considered for win announcement. You will see it as a negative roll.

b) If they had not previously rolled, you will see a zero roll. If the player rolls after passing, their "pass" will be ignored.

Note 3: If a player types "reclaim" into party/raid chat during a roll:

a) If they had previously rolled then passed, that roll will be reinstated.

b) If they had no previous roll or they had not passed, the reclaim will be ignored.

Future Developments:
* Free-For-All roll capture
* Auto roll and loot assignment when Master Looter for BoEs
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