Mandalorian Sides

Box art for Mandalorian Sides For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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Okay, this is a new playable side from wazmol69.

Basically, this (as you might have guessed from the name) adds Mandalorians as a playable side. I, honestly, expected some sort of \'lololz reskinedz jnagoz&bobaz\' thing when I first opened this, but I was (very) pleasantly surprised. wazmol69 has created a side that\'s unaccountably fun to play as.
All the unit classes differ by only a single weapon, the rest of their arsenals are identical, but there\'s enough variety to care about switching around. Everything has unlimited ammo, which [i]usually[/i] annoys me, but it fits this mod well. There\'s a few minor things that really add to the gameplay; the flamethrower only goes for as long as you hold it, shotgun is more powerful but takes longer to cool.

Downsides: there is going to be [i]lots[/i] of people with no clue how to get this to work. You have to be able to move different files to different places, have [url=\"\"]WinRar[/url]/[url=\"\"]7-zip[/url], and learn to [i]back up original files[/i]. [b]See the readme on how to install![/b]
Only one of the classes can fly, even though all of them have jetpacks, but that\'s a small aesthetic thing.

I usually don\'t like \'I\'m uberz-trooperz\' mods, but these guys are fun to play as. Seriously.

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