MOHI-KANs Remake Design MOD

Box art for MOHI-KANs Remake Design MOD For: Medal of Honor
Size: 10.3 MB
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[quote]v1 :This mod changes the main menu interface. It\'s pretty good and simple.
I like the black background with only the USA Flag and MoH logo.
The only little problem I see with this mod is the font. The letters are a little blury.
Go give it a try it\'s cool.

v2: This is the second version of MOHI-KAN\'s Remake Design MOD. This time it also contains Singleplayer Cheats Option, Singleplayer German New Faces Variation and the font that was a little blury as been fixed.
If you liked the first version, go give a try to this new one!


Again, some improvements from the first and second version. This version adds New Singleplayer Maps Loading Background, Music in Multiplayer Maps and New Weapons Name Hud. It also corrects a bug from the Single player cheats menu that will now prevent your game from crashing.

Looks good so give it a try.
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