
Box art for MusicPlayer For: World of Warcraft
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An ingame, fully functional mp3player with alot of extra features to enhance your exeperience in Azeroth.


Fully customable player frame.

Nice and easy-to-use options frame.

The ability to set keybindings to the first 20 songs in your playlist.

Keybindings for raise / lower ingame music volume, and keybindings for next / previous song.

Keybinding to mute all sound while held.

Timer bar.

A playlist maker, which adds the mp3 files to the playlist.

The standard need of a functional musicplayer.

And the most important of all, DAYS of fun listening to music!

Why choose MusicPlayer?

MusicPlayer got all the nessecary functions for a m3player, and still is a tiny, little mod. The ingame player, is compact, with a toggleable playlist. MusicPlayer got the ability to add songs automatic. Theres also an ingame method to add songs (called the profile system), but is slower, and might require much more time than you thought of. Theres also the ability to change what the player will do when the current played song is finished. Should it play the next song? loop? Play a random song? Theres much more to see, so much to hear and so much to experience! Try it out!

Orginal site:


Thanks to!

DementuZ Fizzlefixer
Celarion The Frenchman
Urs of Germany
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