NAM:WAW v2.0 Vietnam Expansion Pack

Box art for NAM:WAW v2.0 Vietnam Expansion Pack For: Call Of Duty: World At War
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[b]NAM:WAW Version 2.0 UPDATES[/b]:
.[i]All Weapon Attachments[/i]
.[i]Custom Classes/Ranked[/i]
.[i]In Game Custom Class Editor[/i]
.[i]Two Theaters of War: US Army VS Vietcong & Australian Task Force VS North Vietnamese Army[/i]
.[i]5 New Maps (Totaling 14 Maps w/ many more In Progress Now)[/i]
.[i]New Side Arms: Skorpion & Uzi[/i]
.[i]New Weapons: RPG along with many others[/i]


[b][u]Changes From OW 1.6.2[/u][/b]
Japanese are now Vietcong
Marines are now U.S Army
Russians are now Australian Army
German are now Norht Vietnamese Army


-Vietcong Skins
-NVA Skins

-U.S. Army Skins
-Australian Skins

-Sound (100's of Custom Sounds)
.Main Menu Music
.Vietcong Voice Overs
.Vietcong Battle Chatter
.Vietcong Squad
.Weapon Sounds

Skorpion (side arm)
Uzi (side arm)
RPD Degratev
SVD Dragunov
W1200 Shotgun
-Longer Smoke

-Weapon Descriptions

-Weapon Skins

-Many More I'm forgetting

[b]Along with all the Features you know and love from Open Warfare Version 1.6.2 - [url][/url][/b]

---------------------GAME PLAY FEATURES---------------------


.ass - Assassination
.ch - Capture and Hold
.ctf - Capture the Flag
.dm - Free for All (Deathmatch)
.dom - Domination
.gg - Gun Game
.koth - Headquarters
.sab - Sabotage
.sd - Search & Destroy
.tdm - Team Deathmatch
.twar - War


.Enable or disable objective safezones so Betties and Satchels cannot be placed
.Control the radius of the safezone around the objective
.Allow players to dynamically attach/detach weapon attachments
.Set at which point planted explosives (Claymores and C4s) should be removed from the map
.Allow players to disarm/retrieve explosives from the map
.Baseline time in seconds a player will take to disarm an explosive (default is 5 seconds)
.Show the icon over betties identifying the owner team
.Control the radius for betties
.Time it will take the betty to be armed after planting
.Control whether betties will be activated through walls or not
.Show the glow on betties
.Set friendly fire for planted betties
.Allow stationary turrets on the maps
.Delay the use of frag grenades at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Delay the use of sticky grenades at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Delay the use of molotovs at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Delay the use of grenade launchers at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Delay the use of smoke grenades at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Delay the use of signal flares at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Delay the use of tabun gas grenades at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Delay the use of Bazookas at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Delay the use of Satchels at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Delay the use of Betties at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Delay the use of Flame Thrower at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Control whether the delay of weapon will happen just at the beginning of the round or every time the player spawns
.Play a sound when to the player indicating that the weapon has been assigned
.Control whether the tabun gas should also cause damage to the players
.Control whether the player will move toward the enemy a few feet when using the knife
.Limit the maximum number of Betties that can be planted by one team at any given time
.Limit the maximum number of Satchels that can be planted by one team at any given time
.Control whether tracer bullets should be used when firing weapons
.Control whether exploding barrels or vehicles should cause damage to the players
.Enable the sniper zoom for sniper rifles
.Set how many levels of lower zoom should be enabled
.Set how many levels of higher zoom should be enabled
.Control whether a range should be shown when aiming down the sights with a sniper rifle


.Class movement speeds
.Perk ammo limitations
.Drop weapons for pickup settings
.Binoculars ( apply to all classes )
.Check if the player has at least one frag grenade left to activate Martyrdom
.Forces players to have a pistol and pistol ammo to go into Last Stand mode
.Players going into Last Stand can be revived but they won't have any weapons


.Control whether visual effects (sounds, fire, smoke, etc) should be enabled
.Control the fog in the maps
.Day cycle system options
.Enable the day cycle system
.Set the length for the dawn cycle
.Set the length for the day cycle
.Set the length for the dusk cycle
.Set the length for the night cycle
.Set the starting cycle
.Enable special sounds for each cycle
.Reset the day cycle and start from the beginning again on map rotation


.Player's health Value
.Control the health regeneration method to use during the game when a player takes damage.
.Time to regenerate 100% of the player's health
.Plays a pain sound when the player takes damage
.Plays a sound whenever the player dies
.Plays breathing sounds whenever a player has taken damage and the player's health is not full
.Displays a health bar on screen showing the player's current health


.Control whether players will bleed when taken damage
.Percent of health a player must lose before bleeding begins when bleeding is enabled.
.Displays a bleeding icon in the middle of the screen when player is bleeding


.Set the starting amount of bandages for a player when players can bandage themselves
.Set the max amount of bandages a player can carry as the players will be able to pick bandages
.Allow player to bandage self when bleeding
.Sets the amount of time (seconds) it takes for a player to fully bandage


.Enables the medic role (allows healing self, teammate and/or bandaging teammate)
.Allows player to bandage teammate if teammate is bleeding
.Allows player to heal teammate if teammate's health is below max health
.Allows player to heal self if player's health is below max health
.Set the amount of health one bandage can give a player on a full heal
.Set the amount of time (seconds) it takes to fully heal player. Players can
.Allows a player to use a bandage from a teammate to heal or bandage the teammate
.Display the bandaging/healing icon when player is bandaging or healing


.Enables health packs. Health packs are dropped when a player dies.
.Set how long (in seconds) a health pack will stay in the map before disappearing
.Set the amount of health one health pack will give a player when picked up
.Select a random amount of health between 1 and the amount set for healing


.Enhanced Movement Control
.Forces the player to crouch on spawn
.Delay the ability to sprint on spawn for certain amount of time
.Disable or Allow players to jump. Players can still mantle over things when disabled.
.Percentage of sprint time that will be deducted from the player with each jump
.Sprint time in seconds that the player will be allowed to use without resting.
.Time in seconds to recover 1 second of sprinting time
.Time it will need to pass after a full sprint to start recovering
.Percentage to reduce overall player speed after a full sprint
.Allow the players to move without ADS without counting towards sprint time.
.Control the pulse of the player after taking damage or sprinting.
.Control the amount of sway in the pulse system. The pulse system will calculate


.Turn Hardpoints On and Off
.Remind the player that still has a hardpoint available for use
.Remove any hardpoint from the player's inventory upon his/her death
.Control if hardpoints should be given to players that continue to increase their kill streak without dying.
.Cycle hardpoints when the player doesn't die.
.Determine how to give hardpoints
.Display a message to all the players that certain player has reach a new killstreak.
.Amount of time in seconds the Radar will remain active.
.Announce to the enemy that the Radar has been activated.
.Show game objects like Artillery, Tanks and Dogs in the Radar when active
.Amount of time in seconds that need to pass between Artillery calls by the same team
.Announce to the enemy that Artillery is inbound.
.Kills obtained with Artillery count toward the killstreak of the player
.Delay the assigment of the Artillery hardpoint at the beginning of the round
.Amount of time in seconds that need to pass between Dogs calls by the same team
.Announce to the enemy that Dogs are coming.
.Kills obtained with Dogs count toward the killstreak of the player
.Delay the assigment of the Dogs hardpoint at the beginning of the round
.Time the dogs will be running around in the game once called
.Health for each dog
.How many dogs will spawn in the game once called
.Maximum number of dogs that will be alive at any given time


.Enable or Disable Hardcore
.Moves the progress bar during objectives completion
.Show a message on the screen when a player joins a team or switches to spectator
.Enable or Disable global chat
.Show the player a message with his/her GUID the first time spawning in the game
.Relocate the chat position at bottom left corner - use only in hardcore
.Control if hiticons should be shown to attacking players when causing damage to an enemy.
.Control if a special hiticon should be shown to the player attacking an enemy who is using the Juggernaut perk.
.Show names on enemy players
.Show names on friendly players
.Distance in inches to a friendly player to be able to see his/her name
.Show the death icon to players in the same team (NON-HARDCORE)
.Show the red cross hairs on screen when pointing to an enemy (NON-HARDCORE)
.Show the grenade indicator on screen (NON-HARDCORE)
.Show the mantle hint on screen when approaching an object than can be mantled over
.Show XP points gained during the game in the middle of the screen
.Show the center obituary message showing the attacker or the victim's name
.Control which type of obituaries should be shown to all the players in the server
.Control if extended obituaries should be shown to the killed player.
.Sets which type of unit should be used for extended obituaries
.Show the game scores on screen (NON-HARDCORE)
.Show the stance indicator on screen
.Show the mini-icons in the minimap indicating objective positions
.Show the world icons on the screen indicating objective positions
.Allow the minimap to be shown in hardcore mode (HARDCORE)
.Force the compass in hardcore mode
.Show the mini-icons in the compass indicating objective positions with their distance
.Show enemies in the minimap when firing a non-silenced weapon
.Control if the players' screens will be blacked out or not when dying.
.Control if the player's black screen should start fading out after certain amount of time.
.Enable the head bob when walking, running,and sprinting.
.Show blood splatters on the screen when the player is damaged
.Show a special blood splatter to the player when shot on his/her head
.Show a special blood splatter to the player when killed with a knife
.Draw the team icon over teammates' heads to quickly identify them as friendlies
.Control the inventory disaply in hardcore mode showing grenades, special grenades, explosives, ammo, etc
.Control the players' status on the scoreboard so players can't see which players are alive or dead.
.Control team status display so players can see how many people on their team
.Hide the scores, from the scoreboard while playing but not in the intermission screen once the game finishes
.Play the game in 3rd person view. Players will automatically switch to 1st person view when aiming down the sights.


.Control whether the manual scoring system should be enabled or not
.Decide if team kills should negatively affect the player's score
.Set Score Value for Kills
.Set Score Value for Assist Kills
.Set Game Action Scores (Hardpoint, Defuse etc)


.Control if the new occlusion sound should be enabled or not
.Set if announcer will say "Tactical!" at the beginning of the match
.Play countdown sounds at a given time value.
.Play the stock headshot sound when a player is shot on the head
.Play Unreal firstblood sound
.Plays Unreal headshot sound
.Killing spree sounds
.Enable or disable battlechatter


.Spectate type that will apply to all the players assigned to a team
.Spectate type that will apply to players not assigned to a team
.GUID of players that will use scr_game_spectatetype_spectators when spectating


.Control friendly fire in the game
.Control whether a player killing a teammate should lose points
.Control whether a player killing a teammate should received a spawn delay increase
.Control whether a player dying should lose points
.Control whether a player committing suicide should lose points
.Control whether a player committing suicide should received a spawn delay increase
.Control whether or not the killcam should be shown when killed
.Force the player to spawn instead of waiting for the player to press the USE key
.Performance variable to bring all the player to the same level
.Performance variable to bring all the player to the same level
.Control if the Quick Actions (pressing the use key for different options) should be enabled or not.
.Fall height from which the player starts taking damage
.Maximum fall height allowed
.Control the jump height for the players
.Slow the player in mid-air when jumping
.Dogtags shows the name of the killed player when you are near him crouching or proning
.Control whether bodies should be removed from the map
.Time before removing a body in seconds.
.Control whether vehicles should spawn in the map or not
.Health units a tank will have
.Control the lower and higher limits to calculate a random respawn time
.Control bullet penetration through materials
.Control the gib effects when a player dies


.Enable spawn protection
.Control whether the player will remain invible during the spawn protection
.Amount of seconds to protect a player after spawn
.Show a shield icon to the attacker when shooting a spawn protected player
.Max distance a player can travel while spawn protected
.Punish players for shooting spawn protected players (players will be shock and their weapons will be disabled)


.Control the type of anti bunny-hopping that should be enabled
.This variable controls if the player's view should shift when going prone and firing the weapon.


.Enable R&G. If enabled then players will be penalized with a damage reduction if the they don't use the weapon sights. The damage reduction will be based on the distance from the attacker to the victim.
.Distance in inches from the attacker to the victim to calculate damage
.Percentage of damage when distance is lower than scr_rng_distance
.Percentage of damage when distance is higher than scr_rng_distance


.Control if anti-camping should be enabled
.Control what kind of cue should be shown to the player to indicate camping
.Custom message to display to the player when camping. By default a localized string
.Distance in inches a player needs to move to not be considered camping.
.Time the player has to move the distance set in scr_anti_camping_distance


.Control if the player should drop the weapon when he/she takes damage
.Chance a player will drop the weapon when hit on the specific place
.Control whether a player will fall to the ground when hit on lower leg
.Chance a player will fall to the ground when hit on his/her legs
.Control whether the player's view should shift when hit
.Control whether the player will break his ankle on a fall causing a 75% lost of the speed
.Control whether the player will lose a 50% of speed when hit on the upper leg

---------------------SERVER FEATURES---------------------


.Bind a key for the Advanced ACP. Controls > Multiplayer Controls

- objectIVE MOVER

.Ability to Move objectives in objective based Gametypes (SD, CTF etc)


.Variable that controls if virtual ranks should be enabled or not
.Virtual ranks are ranks that are assigned to players when they connect to the server based on their name.
.Abbreviation contained in the player's name and the rank to be assigned based on it


.Time players will have to vote for the gametype when there's more than one gametype allowed.
.Time players will have to vote for the map when there's more than one map allowed.
.Time players will have to see which gametype/map combination won before starting the load.
.Gametypes to be displayed in the list of gametypes during the vote.
.Maps to be displayed in the list of maps once the gametype has been chosen.


.Clan tags that will be allowed to vote
.Ability to vote for a map restart
.Ability to vote for the server to rotate to the next map in the rotation
.Ability to vote to change the map but still keep the current gametype
.Ability to vote to change the map and/or the gametype
.Ability to vote to kick a player from the server


.Time after the player has become idle, that the player should be forced to spectate.
.Time after that the player has been forced to spectate, that the player should be kicked.
.Show a warning message before taking action against idle players
.Protect players wearing clan tags from being kicked when idle
.Protect players with Certain GUID's from being kicked when idle


.Default gametype used when the gametype is not specified in the map rotation
.Control how many "fast restarts" of the current map can happen when the game ends before rotating to the next map
.Control whether the server should rotate the map if empty for a certain time
.Time to automatically rotate the current map when empty
.If there are still players (in same team) or a single player a message will be shown before forcing a rotate.
.Enable map randomization
.Gametype Randomization
.Control which gametypes will be used for random maps
.Auxiliary variables for large Map Rotations Exceeding 1024 Characters
.FREE FOR ALL Map Rotation
.DOMINATION Map Rotation
.GUN GAME Map Rotation
.FREEZE TAG Map Rotation
.SABOTAGE Map Rotation
.SEARCH & DESTROY Map Rotation
.WAR Map Rotation


.Enable ready-up period so players need to confirm they are ready to start the match
.Enable ready-up period again after switching sides
.Disable the players' weapons during the ready-up period
.Show mod files checksum during the ready-up period to all the players
.Interval in seconds to show the checksums to the players during the ready-up period
.Force a match start after this time even if players don't ready up
.Force a round start after this time even if players don't ready up
.Activate a strategy time before each round (strategy time can be skipped if all
.Allow players in the server to bypass the strategy time
.Show in the scoreboard with a green sign which players have bypassed the strategy time
.Allow player to change directions during the strategy time
.Value in seconds for players to get ready once strategy time is over
.Amount of timeouts for each team
.Duration of each timeout
.Only the following GUIDs will be able to call timeouts
.Players must have certain tag to be able to call timeouts


.Title to be displayed in the Welcome Screen. By default it uses the server's name.
.Lines to display in the welcome screen (up to 8 lines of text)
.Dispaly the messages to the players only when they are dead
.Show the name and gametype of the next map in the rotation.
.Delay in seconds between messages
.Delimiter to be used for line breaks
.List of messages (there's no limit in number of messages)
.Delay in seconds between banners
.Time the banner will be shown
.List of banners (there's no limit in number of messages)


.Enable the reserved slots system
.GUIDs with their respective priority
.Clan tags that will get an additional priority
.Server IP address where players being disconnected will be redirected to


.Scorebot updates certain external variables with the game status so the game can be monitored from an outside application or displayed in a web page.
.String to use as delimiter of values in the scorebot functionality


.Force players to select autoassign by deactivating the Allies or Axis options
.Clan tags that will be allowed to pick team
.Switch teams at halftime
.Enable team balance
.Show a message to the players letting them know that autobalance will be executed
.Interval in seconds between team balance checks
.Time to start the autobalance process after showing the message to the players
.Clan tags that will be excempt from auto-balancer


.Team that "rest of the world" players will be forced into
.Clan tags that will be allowed to pick team


.Duration of the punishment (some punishments do not use this time)
.Controls whether multiple teamkills using grenades or explosives should count as one or not


.Module that extends how variables can be set. The server administrator can add "_low", "_medium", or "_high" at the end of the variables allowing him/her to control variables based on the server load.
.Set the default server load when the server starts
.Maximum amount of players for the server to be considered with "low" load
.Maximum amount of players for the server to be considered with "medium" load


.Controls whether or not the killcam should be shown when killed
.Level of gravity in the server
.Time the server will wait for players on both sides before starting the game.
.Time the server will wait to start the match
.Time to wait to allow players to change their custom classes or look at the scoreboard once the game finishes before loading the next map.
.Enable game forfeit when all the players in one team disconnect from the server.
.Play music during the game
.Allow the announcer to speak during the game
.Enable the antilag routine inside the game engine (use when players with a huge difference
.Variable that controls if the Big Brother Bot Power Admin functionality should be enabled or not. You must install the B3 program (
.Enables the ability to use test bots for testing
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