NewWave Mod

Box art for NewWave Mod For: Far Cry
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Are you a big fan of the Far Cry Single player game? I you can just imagine my elation when I got my hands on this mod! This Single player mod will allow you to replay the original Far Cry game with custom maps and the use of futuristic weapons. How great does that sound?!? If this is what you have been waiting for, then wait no longer, thank [b]chimella[/b] and enjoy!

The most notable change this mod makes over the original game is to the weapons, here is the condensed version of what you will be outfitted with ingame; (See the [i]Weapons.txt[/i] to get the full storey) Have a look:
[b]Electron Bolt Pistol (Tinted Falcon)[/b]
Fires an electron bolt extremely powerful and high impact at close range 5m or less can stop mutants
[b]S100 Photon Rifle (Tinted M4)[/b]
Primary fire only - low damage photon projectiles, slow fire rate, hold for automatic fire
Tactical use - originally designed as a non-lethal weapon it was upgraded to be lethal
[b]MK I Pulse Sub Machine Gun (Tinted P90)[/b]
Primary automatic fire only - high velocity pulse rounds, medium damage close up dropping to very low damage at 60m+
Tactical use - use close up preferably running right up to your enemy while shooting with zoom to get head shots
[b]Plasma Rifle (Tinted AG36)[/b]
Primary fire - medium damage plasma bolts, slow fire rate
Secondary fire - High damage, wide radius projectile proximity mine, uses ag36 grenade ammo
Tactical use - Primary is useful for conserving ammo, poor in close combat, good for medium or long range attacks
[b]Impulse Gun (Tinted Shotgun)[/b]
Positive impulse (primary fire) - uses shotgun ammo. Damage is medium at close range falling away to useless at 20m or more
Negative impulse (secondary fire) - same but very low damage, can use in or under water.
Tactical use - You want to be close and use head shots on primary fire

[b]chimella[/b] has gone all out developing this mod, not only has he supplied the mod for you, but he has included some additional information/explanations in the download, such as:
Weapons.txt (A complete explanation of all the weapon changes)
NewWave Settings.txt (Everything you need to know about setting your game up for optimal performance)
Readme.txt (Explanation about the mod)
Basic Use.txt (How to install the mod)
Advanced Use.txt (The way things work)
A lot of time and effort has been put into this mod, and it shows as soon as you fire up the game; The weapons tend to rely heavily on particle effects which requires more PC power than normal. Be sure to read the NewWave Settings.txt. This mod will not change or overwrite any of your Far Cry installation files.
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