Box art for NHCmod OF For: Company of Heroes
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ab2531 has submitted his updated version to his super-popular mod! NHCmod is what you want to download if you're looking for a more [i]juiced-up[/i] Company of Heroes gameplay! This will be the last version of the NHCmod before the release of CoH: Tales of Valor, so be sure to make this a priority download!

In this release, some major changes are: several new units you can play with, new abilities, corpses don't decay, artillery range increased, and each side has one hero unit! Among with those are numerous balance changes to the existing units.

[b]Here is the change log:[/b]


Staghound Armoured Car (added to Commonwealth)
A 4 wheeled armoured car developed by the U.S., but adopted by British forces as the Staghound.
Armed with a 37mm main gun and 2x .30 caliber machineguns restrict this vehicle to anti-infantry and
light anti-tank duties, but the advantage of being wheeled is good speed which make it ideal for a reconaissance role.
6 pounder AT gun (added to Commonwealth)
Lighter than the 17 pounder, it is also less powerful, cheaper. It is equivalent to the 57mm AT gun.
Firefly Ace (added to Commonwealth)
A Firefly driven by elite crews. It can be called only once per game.
Pershing Ace (added to US)
A Pershing driven by elite crews. It can be called only once per game.
76 mm AT gun (added to US)
More powerful and moves slower than the 57 mm AT gun.
Schwimmwagen (PE and WH)
A light car suited to reconaissance duties due to it's high speed, acceleration and it's ability to ford waterway crossings without previous preparation.
Is armed with only an MG42, and can capture strategic points.
Bunker with 88mm Pak 43 (PE and WH)
The 88mm Pak 43 has the same firepower as the Flak 88 but it can only fire toward a fixed direction.
(defense doctrine or PanzerJager tactic required)
Nashorn (added to PE)
The Nashorn is a selfpropelled 88mm gun PaK 43 based on the modified chassis of a Panzer IV. It is fragile so protect it.
(PanzerJager tactic required)
Wooden bunker (added to all)
A small wooden bunker which can be constructed anywhere. It provides cover to your troops.

Please refer to the readme for the rest of the changelog.
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