Normandy 44: European Theater 1.1 Patch

Box art for Normandy 44: European Theater 1.1 Patch For: Company of Heroes
Size: 233.04 MB
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Alright, so this is a patch for the Normandy '44: European Theater mod. For those who aren't familiar, here's the author's description (included at his request):

First of all, this mod works with Company of Heroes 2.600 plus any other expansion pack. To install, follow the next:

1) Download all 4 of the zipped files.
2) Unzip zip1 to your desktop
3) Place THE CONTENTS of zip1 into your main CoH directory
4) Do the same for zip2, 3, and 4 (they will merge into the main EuropeanTheater1944 folder)
5) Open up the main folder and read the readme (also includes installation instructions)
6) Right click on your CoH Shortcut, and choose "create shortcut"
7) Right click on the new shortcut and select "properties" - set the target line to read as the following :
"Cstick out tonguerogram FilesTHQCompany of HeroesRelicCOH.exe" -dev -mod EuropeanTheater1944
8) Rename the new shortcut whatever you'd like
9) Click on "Change Icon" inside properties, and "browse" to find the icon included in the mod folder - choose it
10) Then you're good to go!!

The changes are in the attribarchive file. The data/scar folder also has a couple of things removed.

To "swap out" the two versions, take the attribarchive file (in the "Archives" folder) and scar folder from the online files, and put them someplace. When you want to play online, switch the attribarchive file and entire scar folder (remember - there are some files removed, so you can't just paste over) with the regular version ones (make sure you put them someplace as well for when you want to switch back).

WARNING!! I will not frequently update the online version, and the AI is not quite as good (nor is it as tested). Unless you plan on playing exclusively online, I recommend using the main version and swapping out the needed files if you want to play online.


Normandy 1944: European Theater is the Sequel Remake of one of the most exciting mods available for Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor. The mod focuses on realism and is a Total Conversion of the game, Including lots of new abilities, units, models, skins, strategies, etc.

As main changes, we've got the next, but Check the readme for more specific information:

-Command Trees revamped historically, based on real divisions of Normandy phase at World War II. Each Division now enables 16 command choices instead of the classic 6 the game offers!

-Sub-Divisions: After you chose your main division/doctrine, you must chose one sub-division, which will enable specialized buildings with unique units based on the real Command you chosen, these units differ from each division/subdivision!

-Realistically combat: As the game focuses less on building strategy, you will have to take care of more units, and of the battle it self, Infantry will act as infantry, will have a realistic fear factor, and will move depending of the survival of their leader, and much more!

Remember to download the other parts, or this won't work.

[url=""]Download Part 2[/url]
[url=""]Download Part 3[/url]
[url=""]Download Part 4[/url]
[url=""]Download Multiplayer Patch[/url]

Enjoy the mod!


P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?
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