Plasma blades

Box art for Plasma blades For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Saber blade mods have become something of a rarity as of late. Too bad, too, cause they\'re usually pretty cool. For instance, take this one. It replaces the saber core with a katana-like blade that\'s serrated on one side. Add to that the bonus of replacing the usual saber blur with the sword trail and the end result is nice indeed. The author has also modified the colours themselves, there\'s a list of changes in the readme a little ways down the page. Would\'ve liked to have the blade retain some of the color of the core it\'s replacing, though. Would\'ve made it blend better. But as it is, it\'s quite awesome. I noticed one bug. The green blade has some weird issues that result in the effects used for the blades to show through with some pretty bad alphas. It could be simply due to my rather shoddy graphics card, though. As far as bugs go, that\'s the only one I could find. Whether or not you\'re into blade mods, I still suggest you give this a try. Can\'t hurt, can it?

- Jose
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