Polymorph Helper

Box art for Polymorph Helper For: World of Warcraft
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Polymorph Helper is a WoW addon for Mages. It replaces polymorph macros out there.


It expands upon the standard polymorph macro with the folowing features:

* checks the mob/player is castable on before saying that your casting the spell.
* supports different channels for Solo, Party & Raid.
* notifys everyone if your cast fails.
* has a 10 sec warning that the morph is going to fade (dings on the 10 sec warning as well)
* notifies you when the morph has been broken or has faded (also dings)
* has a non cast mode to notify your party that you have selected a mob/player for morphing
* lets you pick between Sheep, Pig, or Turtle Polymorphs, or pick one at random


Extract the files into your World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns Directory.


You can customize by the folowing commands:

All comands can start with either '/polymorphhelper', '/polyhelper' or '/ph'
/ph spell - Sets the type of Polymorph spell to use. (Default: sheep)
/ph solo - Sets the channel to use when playing solo. (Default: none)
/ph party - Sets the channel to use when playing in a party. (Default: party)
/ph raid - Sets the channel to use when playing in a raid. (Default: party)
/ph notifycombat - Sets wether to notify when in combat. (Default: yes)
/ph notifypvp - Sets wether to notify when target is a player. (Default: yes)
/ph notifyrecast - Sets wether to notify when is recast (must be within 5 sec of it fading/being broken). (Default: no)
/ph countdownwarning - Sets the amount of time in seconds to start the countdown timer at. (Default: 10)
/ph pvpcountdownwarning - Sets the amount of time in seconds to start the countdown timer at when target is a player. (Default: 5)
/ph countdowndisplay - Displays a visual countdown timer. (Default: shown)
/ph dingonwarn - Ding on the XXsec Fade Warning. (Default: on)
/ph pvpdingonwarn - Ding on the XXsec Fade Warning when target is a player. (Default: on)
/ph dingonfade - Ding when it has Faded or is Broken. (Default: on)
/ph dingscheme - Set the ding sound scheme (1-4). (Default: 1)
/ph quickmenudislpay - Set wether to display the quick menu when you mouse over the timer box. (Default: yes)
/ph quickmenupos - Set where to anchor the quick menu to the timer box. (Default: auto
/ph overheadnotice - Set wether to display notices overhead. (Default: on)
/ph overheadwarning - Set wether to display warnings overhead. (Default: on)
/ph messagelength - Set the Length of the message sent to your party. (Default: normal)
/ph warnshow - Cast Detect Magic on Warning. (Default: off)
/ph stopcast - Stop casting when casting polymorph. (Default: on)
/ph help - Display the help message.

Ding Schemes:
1: AuctionWindowOpen
2: MainMenuOpen
3: MainMenuClose
4: MainMenuContinue

Quick Menu Option Meanings:
auto: automatic depending on place on screen.
tl: Attach the top right of the menu to the top left of the countdown timer box.
bl: Attach the top left of the menu to the bottom left of the countdown timer box.
br: Attach the bottom left of the menu to the bottom right of the countdown timer box.
tr: Attach the bottom right of the menu to the top right of the countdown timer box.


The folowing information is sent to to the people in your party when casting:
Sheeping Target [Level UnitLevel UnitClassification UnitCreatureType]
Sheeping Target [Level UnitLevel UnitGender UnitRace UnitClass]

Mob eg:
Sheeping Target [Level 49 normal Beast]
Player eg:
Sheeping Target [Level 60 Female Human Mage]


Binding it to keys:

1. In the Main Menu select 'Key Bindings'
2. Scroll down to the 'Polymorph Helper' section
3. Bind a key to 'Send A Warning' and/or 'Cast Polymorph'

Using slash commands:
/phwarn - Send the msg to your party telling them who you have targeted without casting.
/phcast - Casts the spell sending the message to your party.
/phresume - Resumes the timer if it was falsely stopped. (see the first Known Issue)
/phretarget - Retargets unit you sheeped. (see the third Known Issue, retarget only works for upto 50sec after polymorph fading/being broken.)
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