Portable and Drum MG-42

Box art for Portable and Drum MG-42 For: Call of Duty 2
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This little modification brings you the German universal machine gun MG-42 in a new, more detailed and historically correct look. The whole model has been changed according to the reference photo and maximal historical accuracy (see screens). It goes with new skin (DX9 compatible), new sounds, new icons.

The mod is separated into 2 parts:
1) Static turret MG-42 which replaces all the static MG-42s... zzzz_mg42static.iwd
2) Portable MG-42 which replaces the stock cod2 MP-44s ... zzzz_mg42portable.iwd
Both parts are SP and MP friendly. Both parts CAN BE FREELY APPLYED SEPARATELY OR TOGATHER. If applying for MP use I RECOMMEND UNPURE SERVER. The script compatibility maximized. Almost all stuff uses its uniques files to reduce error probability.

NOTES for zzzz_mg42portable.iwd:
Note that this modification is COMPATIBLE WITH my "Modified P-38" (all versions),"Scoped SVT-40" (all versions), "New BARs" (all versions), "MP-41 SMG" (all versions), "Carbine M2" (all versions), "HDM Silenced" (all versions), "FG42 Scoped & Unscoped" (all versions), "PanzerFaust 60" (all versions), "German MP-38,40,41" (all versions).
Note that this modification is NOT COMPATIBLE WITH my "Scoped MP44" and/or "StG-44 Vampyr, Scoped & Unscoped". Do not apply them at the same time - it can cause errors - they replace the same weapon.
Other modifications have not been tested.

NOTES for zzzz_mg42static.iwd:
Note that this modification is COMPATIBLE WITH my "Modified P-38" (all versions),"Scoped SVT-40" (all versions), "New BARs" (all versions), "MP-41 SMG" (all versions), "Carbine M2" (all versions), "HDM Silenced" (all versions), "FG42 Scoped & Unscoped" (all versions), "PanzerFaust 60" (all versions), "German MP-38,40,41" (all versions).
Note that this modification is COMPATIBLE WITH EITHER my "Scoped MP44" or "StG-44 Vampyr, Scoped & Unscoped". Do not apply them at the same time - it can cause errors - they replace the same weapon.
Other modifications have not been tested.
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