Description The new version of the Relief Mapping mod runs faster and supports both ATI and NVIDIA hardware. You will need a PS 3.0 compatible video card such as the ATI 1800/1900 or NVidia 6000/7000 series. For best performance game should be played in High Quality mode at 800x600 resolution.
This mod was created to test relief mapping technique with high quality game art. Note, however, that some geometry will not look correct with Relief Mapping as the art for the game was not created with this effect in mind. For correct use of the technique the edges of scene polygons should have no displacement (depth=0). But since the depth maps for this mod are created automatically from the game normal maps this is not guaranteed.
Because the way Quake 4 works, Relief Mapping is not as efficient as it could be in an ideal implementation. Quake 4 executes one pass per light, so when two lights illuminate the same geometry, that geometry is rendered twice repeating all the Relief Mapping calculations.
But as Relief Mapping depends only on the camera position and not on the light position the same Relief Mapping calculations could be shared by multiple light passes saving a lot of computation. This can be achived using the Deferred Shading technique but that would require changing the Quake 4 executable and is out of the scope of this tech demo.
For more details about Relief Mapping and Deferred Shading go to: